Chapter One: Universe

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"In another life Yongsun." Moonbyul smiled looking at the girl next to her. They sat on a grassy hill by the city watching the stars in the sky. The stars filled the vast empty space along with the moon shining brightly. "Yeah, in another life where we can see from the stars." Yongsun looked back at Moonbyul and pulled her in for a kiss. Nothing about Moonbyul's relationship with Yongsun was a coincidence. Ever since the world was created, since the stars were born, is this what was supposed to happen?

"Yongsun, don't leave me."

"Byul-ah, I love you so much don't forget that."

"I won't, I promise. I promise that I can do things for you. I promise that one day when we're both happy and I can travel the world together with you. I promise that I will make you the happiest person alive." Moonbyul pulled Yongsun into another kiss, soon that kiss turned into sweet cuddles together on the grass. Both of them rolling around on the hill getting their hair all disheveled with random blades of grass stuck to them.

Finally they both came to stop, a moment of silence filled between the two until a car honked its horn breaking the silence. They both bursted into laughter grabbing each other and hugged for another moment. Facing each other laying on the grass smiling Yongsun kissed her girlfriend and grabbed her hand to stand up. "That was really fun, we should probably go back home now." Yongsun dusted off a few pieces of grass from the other's shoulder. "We really should, I can make dinner too." Moonbyul held Yongsun's hand and decided to take a taxi back home.

The ride was silent but pleasant. Both girls enjoyed each other's presence without having to speak a single word. Yongsun rested her head on Moonbyul's shoulder as she was looking out the window. Cars were driving past them in the vibrant neon city lights. Signs were placed everywhere advertising businesses. Soon, the taxi stopped in front of an apartment complex. The girls paid and thanked the taxi driver as they drove off back to the street.

Holding hands again, they walked around the corner of the building to see a woman in a yellow sweatshirt matching the elevator next to her. The lady sank to her feet with her head touching the wall behind her. She had long brown hair with a birthmark on her cheek. "Hyejin-ah. What are you doing right now?" Yongsun looked at Hyejin and then back to Moonbyul. Hyejin looked at them both, she ruffled her hair and crossed her arms, "I was waiting for you guys to come back. Wheein said that she will be down in a second, would you guys like to go for a drink?" Moonbyul nervously looked away at first and took a moment to think about it.

Ah, we just came back from hanging out. Hyejin is asking us to drink but Yongsun. She's a little light weight on alcohol. She is probably really tired, maybe next time. "Hyejin, I'm sorry but we just came back after hanging out and I think Yongsun is a little tired. Maybe another day will do." Moonbyul tightened her grip on her girlfriend's hand pulling her a little closer. Hyejin smiled looking at them both. "That's okay, next week we can drink together. I'll just take Wheein out for an ice cream then, see you." She waved them goodbye and pressed a button on the elevator. The doors opened and Hyejin guided them to go inside before the doors closed. The couple shuffled inside and pressed the third floor and waved at the girl a final goodbye before leaving. The cold metal doors closed slowly and the elevator slowly started to rise up beneath them.

"What are you going to make for dinner?" Yongsun wrapped her arm around Moonbyul leaning her head on the wall. "Hm, what would you like to eat?" It took a moment for Yongsun to think about what she wanted, she wasn't the best person to ask when it came to decisions but when it came to food she had no problem. "Potato pork roast." Moonbyul looked to her side staring at Yongsun's eyes and lips. She gave her a kiss on the forehead and whispered in her ear. "Of course, potato pork roast it is then." The doors opened revealing a woman with short brown hair with a very deep dimple on her right cheek. She wore a gray patterned blazer with shorts with a belt around the jacket. "Wheein, Hyejin is waiting for you below. Have fun." Moonbyul and Yongsun stepped out of the elevator and Wheein went in. They bid their goodbyes and the doors closed leaving the two alone again.

They walked down the hall to enter their apartment. Room 6/19 was where they stayed. Yongsun opened the door for the both of them and walked inside. They took off their shoes, hung their jackets and flopped on the couch together. Giggling again they hugged each other and cuddled. Moonbyul was laying on the couch with Yongsun on top of her placing her head on the other girl's chest. Yogsun could hear her heart beat, it was the most beautiful sound in the world. Their legs tangled together for warmth with Moonbyul's arms wrapped around Yongsun's back, gently caressing her. "Can we just stay like this for a little?" Moonbyul breathed out, tightly hugging Yongsun as if she was her whole world. She could feel Yongsun's smile through her shirt on her stomach. "Mmhm. Dinner can wait."

They stayed in the position for a few minutes until their stomachs growled. "I guess we have to make dinner, now. Potato pork roast right?" Moonbyul laughed and got up from the couch. She headed towards the kitchen and put on a cute navy blue apron. "Would you like to help me Sun?" She grabbed another apron from the cabinet that was a mustard yellow, "Moon, you know that I would always help you in the kitchen." Yongsun smiled and put on the yellow apron that matched Moonbyul's.

"Okay, first let's wash our hands and gather ingredients. Sun can you please bring me the bacon and potatoes? I'll get the rest." Moonbyul ordered and started to wash her hands. Yongsun rushed around the kitchen grabbing the thick cut bacon from the fridge and a few gold potatoes from the basket. Moonbyul grabbed a white onion and two king trumpet mushrooms from the fridge and quickly diced them up on the chopping board. Yongsun cut the potatoes into fourths and let the bacon get into room temperature. "Yongsun, pour some water into a medium sized pot with a steamer basket on top. Place the pot on the stove and wait for it to boil." Moonbyul instructed Yongsun while trying to hold back her tears from the onions. Yongsun did as instructed and quickly minced a few pieces of garlic and helped Moonbyul finish cutting the onions. Her arms wrapped behind Moonbyul giving her a loving back hug. "The pot is steaming now, should I put the potatoes in?" Moonbyul nodded and Yongsun added the potatoes inside the hot steam basket. "Okay, we did all of the prep work and now we have to wait for a few minutes." Yongsun hugged Moonbyul tightly again pushing her against the wall. She kissed Moonbyul intensely, her lips moved well with hers. Her lips tasted like strawberries, they were soft and plump. Her cute triangular mouth made it even better when they kissed. The kiss was light as they kept going. Moonbyul started to get a little rougher with it, eventually Moonbyul grabbed Yongsun's waist and flipped each other around. Now Yongsun was against the wall with the other pinning her. Moonbyul's hands traveled up and down the other;s curves. She wrapped her hand around Yongsun's nape and pushed their heads together. They started to be in need of air, just for a few more seconds and they pulled apart. Both catching their breaths they smiled at each other and hugged. "The potatoes Byul. I think they're done."

Moonbyul turned around and opened the pot and stuck a fork inside a piece of potato. No resistance when stabbed. They're ready. The girl moved the pot off the heat to a cutting board. "Yongsun, it's going to be hot but we need to peel the skins off now. Be careful." Yongsun nodded and stood next to Moonbyul peeling the freshly steamed potatoes. After a few minutes of peeling, they were done and added the potatoes to a bowl with their mushrooms and onions. They then took out a potato masher and mashed the potatoes till it was creamy. Yongsun took out a baking sheet with a wire rack on top, she laid down a few layers of bacon with some twine. Moonbyul dumped the potato mix onto some plastic wrap and rolled the potato mix until it became a rounded shape. She unwrapped the potatoes and placed them on top of the bacon that Yongsun set up. Gently, both girls wrapped the potatoes with the bacon and tied it all together with a hint of rosemary. With the oven preheated, they put the roast into the oven and let it cook inside.

While waiting, Moonbyul took out another pan and heated it up on high heat, she took out a bottle of red wine and started to cook the wine inside the hot pan. "Yongsun, please give me some butter with a few cloves of garlic." Yongsun got all the ingredients from the fridge and gave each of them too Moonbyul. "Here you go." Moonbyul thanked the girl and placed the butter inside the red wine with some of the garlic. After the red wine sauce was done, the roast was ready to be plated.

They got two plates and took out the roast from the oven. The smell of bacon and potatoes filled the room with a nice hearty aroma. The fat of the bacon would seep into the potatoes and make the bacon tender and juicy, keeping the moisture. Nothing was going into waste. Gently taking the roast off the rack onto a cutting board, Yongsun took out a knife and cut it in half. The perfect potato pork roast was there right before them. She placed one half on one plate and placed the other on another. They drizzled the red wine sauce on top, cleaned up their mess and dinner was served. "Yongsun, you're my world baby. You're my universe. I love you."

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