"Hospital Bed"

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"Hospital bed"...

She lay on the hospital bed in the most vulnerable state hair entangled , blood clots and bruises allover her body .Her body was more pale and fragile than ever .
Some nurses shouted that there was an accident near Malad .The patient was very critical as if phone call alone he had minutes ago from the hospital wasn't​ enough to shake him up.Randhir overheard the sounds and every thing around him blurred, as tears made their way through his eyes, he gathered himself and rushed towards the ICU where she lay like a corpse .

" Sanyukta " he sobbed.

Her condition was critical but his was no better ,seeing the love of your life on death bed, isn't as easy as it sounds .It was hard for him to breathe .

"Mr. Shekhawat we need you to sign the consent form" the nurse said handing him the form.

It read :
(We won't be held responsible if the patient could not make it)

"what do you mean?" He shouted pointing towards the lines.

"Sir these are the hospital rules and we'll try our level best" the nurse replied in monotone.

He signed the documents ,his hands were in tremors handing her back the document  .

The lights of the operation theatre turned red much to his dismay.Time didn't seem to pass seconds was like an hour to him, each passing second stabbed his heart.
He prayed to God for the 1st time in his life,to save her no matter what .
The only family he had left was close to death.
His heart screamed and mind ran umpteenth number of scary assumptions and calculations.
He remembered all the cherished movements of their's​,the time which they spent together, the happy time.

One conversation from the past was pinning upon him.

" Randhir what will you do if something happens to me?" Sanyukta had questioned him once.
"Shhh that day won't come ,I won't let it come"
He had assured her goodwill .Those words were piercing his heart and mind.It was his fault she was lying here, on the hospital bed.If he wouldn't have fought with her she wouldn't have ended up here, rash driving, in such trafficked place wasn't her thing .She was always careful on the road.

The lights turned green after an hour or so, he couldn't make out the exact time, it felt like eternity to him.

The doctor came out of the operation theatre, his face was blank , he showed no emotion.

"How is my wife? " Asked Randhir getting impatient with each passing second.

"Are you are talking about Sanyukta Shekhawat ?"

"She survived but she is too weak, you need to take care of her young man ,go you can meet her" saying this the doctor in his mid forty's patted his back and left .

He didn't waste a movement and rushed to her side.

"I'm sorry Sanyu this won't happen again "

A lone tear escaped his eye which fell on her face.

"Randhir" she almost whispered.

"I'm  here Sanyu" he said holding her hand .

"Can you hug me?" she asked him , still unsure , whether she had survived the accident or not.

He hugged her carefully without uttering a single word .It was intense and soothing for both of them. It was a moment of solace.

He caressed the cut around her lip and asked her whether it hurt , She curtly nodded a no.She was still under the influence of strong pain killers .Days flew by,she was recovering but she cried every night when the pain became unbearable, he was always their through it all ,as promised.
She got discharged days later but she was too​ weak to get up on her own , her efforts were all in vain , her ankle pained every time she put weight upon it.
"Your pain is not just yours Sanyukta it's mine too" Randhir whispered in her ear picking her up in his arms.
" Yours too "she replied hiding her face in the crook of his neck .....

The end


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