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Highschool au
I apologize for any mistake. English is not my first language.
This fanfic uses the manga colours!
TW: MENTIONS OF 4BUS3( Fugo and Giorno's back stories)

The white haired figure finally reaches the backyards. It took him quite a long time to get there since he didn't want to get caught. If he was a normal student, the teachers wouldn't even notice him there, but he wasn't. His name was Fugo Pannacotta, and he was the best student of that school. Being only 16 years old, he alredy had an IQ of 152. Fugo couldn't get caught skipping a class!

Pannacotta took heavy breaths for awhile, after all, the boy had been running for quite a long time, he was tired. But what he didn't notice, is that another figure was there.

-Fugo? skipping a class? - The other man asked, and Fugo immediately turned up to see his face. He had long blonde hair, that was tied in a braid, and beautiful green-ish eyes. Fugo assumed that he was at least half-Asian, because of the shape of his eyes.

- Who even are you? And what business do you have to do with me skipping a class? Also, shouldn't you also be in class right now? - The white haired man said, irritated, while sitting on the ground, next to the other.

- Calm down, I was just surprised. My name is Giorno Giovanna, nice to meet you. - The Giorno guy said, calmly.

- Giorno? Aren't you Asian? Thats not an Asian name....

- How did you find out? It usually takes some time until someone notices that I'm mixed asian, because of the color of my hair and eyes.....Well, yes, I am. More specifically, my mom is Japanese and my dad was English. My name is Haruno Shiobana, but I changed it to Giorno Giovanna, since it's easier to pronounce.

- Oh, right...That makes sense. But what do you mean with 'my dad was English'? What do you mean by 'was'? Is he dead? - Sometimes Fugo was a bit too aggressive without noticing. Giorno giggled a bit.

- No, actually, I never met my dad, but I'm sure hes dead now. This is the only picture that I have of him - He showed his wallet, that had the picture of his dad. Fugo was a bit surprised, the picture was very unique.

- Why don't you ask your mom about him?

- Well uh....Me and my mom....Are not close....At all. Actually, she and my stepdad never really cared about me. My stepdad beated me a lot too.....But, I'm ok now. Now I live alone and I lost every contact that I had with them. But I also think she never really knew much about my dad.

-.......Why are you telling me this?

- I trust you, Pannacotta.

- Don't call me that, GioGio¹!

- Haha, fine, fine. Anyways, now it's your turn to answer. Why is the amazing Fugo Pannacotta skipping a class?

Fugo thought for a bit, before answering.

- Basically because I don't need to be there. I alredy know everything, I have an IQ of 152, did you expect me to want to go to every class, just to hear about stuff that I alredy know?

- What about your friend, Narancia?

- He has a smart girlfriend², she can help him.

- Are you jealous of him?

- Are you dumb? I hate teaching that thing about basic maths, he doesn't understand anything! I'm glad he has a girlfriend to teach him now, I couldn't stand that brat anymore. - Fugo was being aggressive again, but Giorno had alredy realized that he was naturally aggressive.

- Oh, right. So, if you're so smart, why don't you go to a school for gifted kids? - Giorno asked, genuinely.

- Well uhh......- Fugo took a deep breath - I went to a college before. But what happened was that....Well....A teacher tried to....You know...

- Yeah, I know....Don't worry, take your time..

- It was scary. He had touched me before but I never realized his true intentions. When i finally realized, he was touching me again. I quickly took a random book and beated him until he was severely injured.....I was kicked off that school, my parents lost all the pride they had on me, and here I am now... - Fugo was shaking a bit.

- Hey, it's ok, you're safe now, I'm here - Giorno slowly grabbed Fugo's hand - What you did was right, that man was gross and deserved way worse than what he had. Sadly, we live on a shitty country that cares more about money than people, thats why there are kids who do drugs - Giovanna said, comforting Pannacotta.

- Yeah, maybe you're right.

They stayed there for awhile, just resting with each other, feeling the comfort of their hands touching and their presence. The blush on both faces was noticeable, but Fugo was more red.

Suddenly, some flowers grew on the floor that they were sitting. Fugo was surprised, but Giorno didn't even seem to notice.

- Hey, whats with the flowers?!

- Who knows? - Giovanna giggled a bit - Maybe mother nature wants to valorize our relationship.

Fugo was going to say something, but he didn't. He was comfortable with the silence. He was comfortable with the other's touch. He was finally comfortable around someone. He was finally truly happy around someone.

-The end.

1- GioGio: Can be pronounced 'JoJo'; Fugo calls Giorno that in Purple haze Feedback
2- Girlfriend: Narancia's girlfriend is Trish :)

I might continue this in the future, but, for now, it's just a one shot.
Thanks for reading :)

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