Chapter 1

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A/N I've never written a Code Geass story, so they may be out of character in this one. please don't judge it too harshly.  This might be considered AU

Lelouch woke that morning to the sound of heavy rain pounding against the window. He sighed heavily as he lay in bed staring up at the ceiling above him. He felt slightly unwell with a faint pain in his abdomen. He closed his eyes once more, thinking of the day ahead, and pulled the comforter over his body with a soft groan.

The bedroom door softly clicked open and closed a second later. Lelouch remained still, feeling the bed edge of the bed sink in as his visitor sat down at his side. A hand gently brushed back his dark hair.

"Are you up yet, Lu?" Lelouch looked up at the brown-haired teen. 

"Maybe this is a foreign concept to you, but a closed-door has a specific purpose. It usually means-"

"Funny thing about sharing a bed, that kind of makes it my room too. So that rule doesn't apply. Nice try though." Suzaku replied.

"I might need to rethink these sleeping arrangements." Suzaku chuckled at the response.

"You could, but you know you'd miss me." he teased.

"You wish I'd miss you."Lelouch retorted.

"You wish you wouldn't. Come on, who wouldn't want to wake up every morning to s

ee-" Suzaku was interrupted by Lelouch's pillow making contact with his face.

"So conceited," Lelouch grumbled, grabbing his pillow out of the other man's hands and resting his head on it.

"Me? Have you looked in the mirror lately?"Suzaku asked playfully. Lelouch smiled faintly, settling back into bed.

"Are you okay?"The brown-haired man asked, reaching out to touch Lelouch's forehead only to have him pull away.

"Fine." He replied shortly. Suzaku looked at him pointedly.

"Would you tell me?" He questioned.

"There's nothing to tell. Can you stop being so suspicious of everything?"

"Sure, Lu, as soon as you stop giving me a reason to be."Lelouch glared at the teen.

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?"

I'm worried about you." Suzaku said, his forest green eyes met Lelouch's violet ones.

"Stop it, I told you there's nothing-"

"I heard what you said," Suzaku confirmed. "but what you say and what's happening usually end up being two different things. I know you too well by now to accept that answer under the circumstances. You hide things from me sometimes. You have your reasons I guess, but it doesn't feel right. I love you, Lelouch, and so does Nunally. I just wish you wouldn't feel like you had to do it. You know I'd do anything in the world to help-" Lelouch pushed himself up into a sitting position. He placed a hand on Suzaku's cheek, stroking it softly.

"I know. I love you too." Lelouch lightly pressed his lips to Suzaku's before sliding out of bed. He gathered his clothes for the day and laid them out on the bed. He removed his nightshirt and paused, glancing over at his partner. "Do you mind?" He asked, pulling the black shirt over his head.

"Not at all, "Suzaku replied, Lelouch rolled his eyes.

"You want me to spell this out for you?"

"I don't know what the big deal is, it's not like I haven't seen-"Again the pillow was launched at him. Suzaku raised his hands submissively. 

"Alright, I'm going." He said and pulled the door closed behind him. Lelouch dressed quickly then crossed the short distance to the door. He reached for the door handle. A sudden sharp pain tore through his stomach, nearly forcing him off of his feet. He leaned against the wall for support, wrapping his arms around his abdomen. He waited, hoping the pain would subside. After a few moments, Lelouch felt as though he could move. He made his way through the hall, stopping at the dining room where Suzaku had gotten Nunally settled. Upon noticing her older brother, the young girl grinned.

"Good morning, Lelouch." She greeted. Lelouch strode over to her, forcing a smile.

"Good morning, Nunally. Did you sleep well?"Lelouch inquired.

"I did. How was your night?"

"Fine. I just wanted to remind you that I'll be out most of the day. I'm on my way to the council meeting now and I'll be home later tonight. Suzaku's going to stay with you. If either of you need anything, I have my phone." Nunally frowned.

"But... Big Brother, You always have breakfast with me. You always have something going on during the day and we-"

"I know, I'm sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you."Lelouch vowed. Nunally turned from him with sadness in her eyes, breaking her brother's heart instantly.

"I guess you'd better go then before you're late."She suggested. Lelouch wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on top of hers briefly. 

"I love you, little sister." He said softly. "I'll see you tonight." After releasing her, He turned to Suzaku.

"I'll see you later."He said, turning and making his way into the hall. Suzaku sighed heavily.

"Excuse me, Nunally, I'll be right back." He stood from the table and followed his love, catching up with him quickly.

"Hey," He called out causing the dark-haired teen to turn to him.

"What?"Suzaku narrowed his eyes at Lelouch.

"What do you mean, 'what?' You slept in, won't eat, and you walk away from Nunally. Come on, Lu, is something wrong?"

"We talked about you staying with-"

"Yeah, but-"

"I have to go. "Lelouch insisted, pressing his lips to Suzaku's. "Don't worry so much."

"No, Lu, listen to me. I need you to hear what I'm-"

"I'll be fine. I love you." Suzaku sighed. Lelouch clearly wasn't interested.

"I love you too. Be careful."

"I will," Lelouch promised, continuing on his way. The brown-haired teen frowned. Maybe he was worrying too much, after all, everyone oversleeps from time to time, sure there were other explanations for the slightly off behavior, but then again, it was Lelouch. Since they met, he was able to hide things easily and made a point of being on time and most importantly, being there for Nunally. Breakfast had always been their time together, Lelouch was normally the one to help her into her chair for the day. To the outside world, these events may have seemed like nothing out of the ordinary, but knowing Lelouch, it gave Suzaku a lot to think about.

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