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Hi guys!

Ok so this book is going to be similar to the book 50 Shades of Grey but of course it's going to be the gay version of that book.

Not everything is going to be exactly like the book 50 Shades of Grey but it will be very smilar. For the people out there reading this book imagining there will be a bunch of sex scenes ( you know who you are) but this book will have probably a minimum of 7 sex scenes since I'm attempting to make it like the book.

And for those of you who have read the book, don't judge because its not the same.

Like it beginning, it won't be like the book where her roommate caught a cold and the main character had to interview the guy for her. In the case it will be Carrie Wattman (the main character) who is trying to get an interview with Christina Gay (the other main character "the dominate")

Thanks for reading and be ready for chapter one! Cx

Goodbye loves

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