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You let out a soft sigh as you flipped the sign on the door to open, and unlocked it behind yourself. Yeah, most people don't realize this either.

Ollivander? Yeah, he has a daughter, well, adopted, but still daughter none the less.

And regrettably, he passed away recently, bad encounter with a death eater. Yeah the man took jokes a little too far sometimes, death eaters don't have great senses of humor I guess.

So here you are. First day officially after shutting down for a little over a week, now running Ollivanders, all by yourself.

Now see, this would be completely fine, if it wasn't the day that Hogwarts expectance letters came out. That means all day is going to be anxious first years coming in to find the wand that suits them, and many, many people needing wand repairs or tune ups after a long summer.

'Well, happy first day to me I guess' you thought to yourself.

You were in the back of the shop, just making sure everything you could need was hopefully back there.

"L/N" You heard from the door, so you popped your head around the corner.

"Hey, Weasleys" You said walking out from the back.

Bill was there with his little sister, I'm assuming to get her a wand. You've known Bill for a while since your best friend from school was Fleur Delacure, and you guys are still extremely close, which led to you meeting Bill.

"I got given the responsibility to get Ginny here a wand, they absolutely had the wrong person do this" He said.

"Oh they did" You said before you turned to the back.

"Let's give this a shot" You muttered to yourself before you walked back to the front desk.

"Okay let's give this one a flick or two" You said, opening the box and handing her the wand.

Which she did, and that caused all her hair to stand straight up.

"Nope not that one" You said, slipping the wand back into the box before you grabbed another box.

"Okay, maybe this one" You said handing her the wand.

"How do you know if it's like, correct" Ginny asked

"You'll know" You said

"I think it took at least 10 different wands to figure out mine Gin, so don't worry" Bill said

Following that she flicked the wand, which caused every drawer in the office to shoot open, thats one which happens often.

"Ope, not that one either" You said, slipping the wand back into its box.

"Okay, maybe this one" You said walking back in with another wand.

She cautiously flicked the wand, causing the tip to glow a light pink before every paper that was just sprayed on the floor to levitate. She quickly dropped the wand though, causing every paper to fall back down, and Bill to break into laughter.

You used a quick accio charm to get the wand to you.

"Okay, let me box this up for you" You said

"Wait, so that's my wand" Ginny asked

"Yep" You said

"How do you know?" She asked

"That was a peaceful encounter, while all the other ones weren't, it's different for everyone, you just have to have the right eye for it" You said.

"That went way quicker then I expected it to actually" Bill said

"Yeah, it averages seven wands til you find the right one" You said

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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