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A bloodcurdling scream filled Lisa's ears as she stopped and turned to the direction of the scream. She would know that scream anywhere; it was Lauren. She sprinted towards the scream with tears streaming from her eyes like a waterfall. The events of that terrible day played through her mind on repeat.

Sitting down on the couch, Lisa had been playing with her hair in the reflection of her switched-off phone. Lauren had barged into the living room through the front door with anger on her face. Lisa had been confused as to why this was.

"Lauren!" shed yell out to get her younger sisters attention, "Whats wrong?"

"None of your business!" shed reply rudely.

"Well because Im your older sister, it is my business." Lisa combated, annoyed at her sisters attitude.

"Whatever" Lauren sassed before she stormed up the stairs and into her room and slamming the door. Lisa had gotten up and followed her and opened the door and gave her a really look.

"Leave me alone!" Lauren had yelled getting angrier.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong!" Lisa had rebutted, now yelling.

"Why are you so annoying? I said leave me alone, I'm 17, old enough to deal with my problems and I don't need my annoying sister to try fix everything for me by yelling! I hate you!" Lauren had yelled at the top of her lungs and left, informed her mum that she was going to the park, and walked outside. Three hours later, she hadn't come back so Lisa went to the park to look for her. She noticed a familiar object on the ground. It was Laurens phone, open and with something written in her notes.

Say Goodbye to precious Lauren.

Running as fast as her legs could go, Lisa thought of every possible way that she could have handled Lauren's problem instead of yelling. Who would do such a thing to such a sweet girl? As the guilt ate at her, she was snapped out of her thoughts by a louder scream. Quickly, she adjusted herself and kept running until she came up to an abandoned house where the screams kept coming from. Slowly, she crept up to a window, trying not to get caught.

Peering through the window, she tried to see what was happening. She wiped the stream of tears from her eyes, so the world wasn't a blur. Her eyes started to focus only to be filled back up with tears. Her heart dropped to her stomach as she saw her little sister on the floor being harshly kicked in the stomach by a masked man. Quickly retreating from the window, she pulled out her phone to call the police. As soon as the phone was answered, Lisa blurted out the situation loud enough for them to hear while shaking furiously.

Slowly rising to the window again, she locked eyes with her sister. She could see pain written all over Laurens face. At that moment, Lisa couldnt wait for a second longer to take her little sister in her arms. Leaving her phone on the ground, she sprinted to the entrance of this pile of bricks, until she found a wooden door that was, of course, locked. Her shaky legs kicked the door handle until it flew off. Swinging the door open, Lisa froze.

Lisa's heart skipped a beat when she saw the horrifying situation presented to her. It seemed like all the walls were closing in at a rapid pace. In front of the petrified Lisa was the masked man, holding Lauren in a headlock with a gun pointed to her head. Lisas jaw dropped to the ground. She couldn't scream or strike, only stand and stare. Then her expression changed to pure uncertainty and something else that said, I CAN'T DO THIS. She was thinking that she wasn't brave or strong enough to save her sister.

The masked man stared at Lisa impatiently. He tightened his grip on Lauren's neck, but it was loosened when he heard a siren outside. Panicking, he released Lauren from his grip and pushed her onto the ground. This confused Lisa until she realised what he was about to do and told herself that she could save her. Lauren looked up at the man with a smirk on his face holding a gun pointed at her. The gun went off. Lauren scrunched her eyes, expecting to feel a sharp pain go through her body, but instead, a body flopped on top of her, and she heard another gunshot. She opened her eyes to see the masked guy fall as the police shot his ankles and looked down to see her sister lifelessly laying on top of her whilst blood poured out of her stomach like a soda stream.



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