chapter 5

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They sat outside silently... taehyung glaring at jimin and jimin smiling his eye smile time to time to test taehyung's patience..
He just loves to annoy taehyung...
"Jimin..stop it now will you?" Eunjin spat.
"What? I'm not even doing anything.. your own brother is throwing daggers at me and you are telling me.."jimin pouted and taehyung scoffed...
"I didn't know you knew jungkook"
"I'm his bestfriend ofcourse I know him"
Jimin said proudly earning a scoff from taehyung "best friend my ass"

"Yoongi babe did you eat anything yet?"
"Hmm..I had a little snack don't worry"
Taehyung looked at them in disbelief..

"Hmm...we are dating" replied yoongi shortly

Yoongi and Jimin were dating, not being able to handle anymore of their shits stood up and left to the washroom.

.     .      .      .     .

Both the brothers were sitting not even daring to look at eachother...

"I'm sorry" said jongsuk in a small voice....
Jungkook looked at him and shook his head...
" Why would you be sorry? Shouldn't it be me? It was probably because of me mama and papa died and now you hate me... I think it would be quite natural for anyone to hate a person who killed their parents"
Jongsuk's eyes went wide..
"Jungkook what are you saying.......?"
"It's okay jongsuk hyung I understand, and you don't have to pity me... I know you were living with me just because of grandma's wish.... It's alright I'll tell grandma I'm moving out no one will---"

"Jeon jungkook you better shut up if you don't wanna get whacked you should never get to conclusions without listening the whole thing" said jongsuk in a deep voice..

Jungkook was always scared of it and he still was but still he wanted to act tough...
"You know I won't be sad if you tell me the truth---"

"Uahhhhhhhh!! Oneesan you poopie head!"
Jungkook called him oneesan he always used to get angry at that name but it was different this time..this time he felt contented....
"It feels good, jungkook......" Said jongsuk which made jungkook silent ".......It always did.... I'm sorry bubba"
Jungkook felt tears in his eyes when he heard's been 3yrs since jongsuk called him that...
"Then why did you never cared for me? Why did you never comforted me like you did to taehyung.."
"I always did bubba just couldn't express, didn't had the courage to show my face infront of you, i was so embarrassed and guilt driven, that i didn't even thought of you..But you know what, whatever I am right now it's all because of you, thinking of you having a good future once we have could go to a prestigious school....I could get you all the things you want it just maddened my drive to my goals..."
"Then why did you never came to me, when I was  hurting so bad I was getting eaten by guilt.... And your silence actually made me feel I was the reason of their death, You could have said a few words, just few words, i would have been satisfied with it. days of your treatment it made me believe it was my fault and i should deserve made me believe something like happiness never will exist for me again....."

" I'm sorry bubba.. it's just that I thought you'll hate me....... because if it wasn't for me nothing would have happened...."


It was new year..... The jeon brothers were sitting on their bed one of them getting ready and the other one reading a book...
Mrs Jeon was cooking with Grandma Jeon and there giggling noise filled the while house...
Their father and their father's father or their grandfather were sitting together busy in a mere conversation....
They were a middle class family with a father working in a printing company he was the vice president of it..the company was small yet it payed a decent amount, a mother who was a housewife who ran a boutique with Grandma Jeon... And the head of the family who retired 3 years ago...he was a proud soldier who served his country with all his courage and life...

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