Chapter 1

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When James asked me if we could take a stroll around the neighborhood, I quickly said yes. It was a Sunday afternoon and we had been watching 'Runaways' on Netflix. Like most of my weekends, I had spent it at his place. It was two weeks after my birthday and a surprise proposal he had thrown me. So we were still on the engagement bubble.

When the last episode of the first season ended, he stood up, picked his favorite hat and wore it.

"Let's go," he said as he tucked his black dreadlocks through the small space at the back of the hat.

"You go, I will catch up with you in two minutes," I replied as I stood to go change.

"It's just a stroll babe," he said impatiently.

"I can't go out in your sweatpants, look at how big they are,"

I always wore his sweatpants and sweatshirts when I was at his place. They were so cozy and cuddly.

"Okay," he started towards the door, "please don't take too long, I know you."

I smiled as I walked to the bedroom. I could not blame him. Truth is, I had always been sensitive about my looks. It was almost impossible for me to go out without my makeup on, even if it was just the mascara and lip-gloss. My attire had to be on point too, which was tricky sometimes. As an undercover journalist, my job required me to go undercover most of the time, and there were some characters that I played that needed me to look as rugged and homeless as possible.

I picked my black ripped jeans on the chair, paired it with one of James' navy blue t-shirt. I then wore my air balance grey sneakers that stayed at James place. I freshened my face by applying mascara and lip-gloss. I looked in the mirror and approved of the image I saw.

With my phone on my left hand and sunglasses hooked on the t-shirt, I rushed out. I descended down the stairs, contentment filling my heart. I could already picture James scowling at me after I told him it would only take two minutes.

It was sunny outside. The blue of the sky stretched to the horizon. The birds shared my mood, flying in the sky making strange patterns as they tweeted away. The parking lot was empty except for three cars, mine parked at the corner of the parking lot. My guess was everyone had gone out on a family outing probably somewhere swimming.

"I could do with a swim right now," I thought to myself as I headed for the gate.

I opened the main gate and got out. He was not there. The pavement stretched to 40 feet away, to the corner of the block. There was no one except for a couple that was busy taking selfies and laughing at their own inside jokes. I loved this neighborhood because of the quiet. You would think that Sunday would be a noisy day like my place, where there were a few bar spots around. This place was very quiet, no wonder I always preferred spending my weekend here. I looked at both sides of the block, I couldn't see him. I could only imagine how angry he must be. I turned back to the guard at the gate. A young bonny man about 22 years of age, in a navy blue uniform. His face looked innocent. I always wondered if he could fight back an attack.

"Hey, have you seen the guy who lives in 15A?"

"Yeah, he passed here like 15 minutes ago,"

"And he didn't come back?"

"No I haven't' seen him come back."

I walked out and took the right direction. I had only walked like four meters away when I saw his favorite hat crumpled on the ground.

"This is a very bad joke, James" I said to no one as I picked up the hat.

I looked around but I couldn't see him, so I decided to follow one direction that went round the block but when I reached the next corner, I still couldn't see him. I walked to the next corner, still nothing. I decided to shout, but after two shouts of his name, I got weird looks from strangers so I stopped. This was becoming the worst joke ever with each passing moment. Finally I opened my phone and dialed his number. The phone didn't go through, instead I heard the familiar singsong voice "Sorry, the subscriber you are calling, cannot be reached." My heart rate increased when I realized this wasn't a joke anymore.

I decided to dial my next emergency person. Edith Wamaitha, my best friend. Other than James, Edith was one person I could call in the middle of the night when I needed help and she would come rushing. Which is exactly what she did when the phone went through and I explained to her what was happening at the moment. I didn't even ask her if she was available.

She only said "I will be there sweetheart," and hung up the phone.

I continued to walk round the neighborhood as I waited for her. The sky had turned grey and now I felt cold. I wondered where the heavy clouds had come from. The deserted block suddenly felt like a dark alley. In less than 30 minutes, her blue Honda CRV appeared and parked on the pavement.

"Have you called the cops?" was the first thing she asked after listening to my story.

"No, I didn't think about that," I answered her as guilt and embarrassment hit me.

"It is okay Sarah, I wouldn't remember to call them too if I was in your position," she gave me a tight hug before asking for my phone.

I handed her my phone. She took it and called the police. With my mind buzzing with so many scenarios, I could only hear Edith's conversation with the police as a faraway voice.

"About an hour ago... he was waiting for her when she found a crumpled hat on the ground... his phone is off... no he has never done this before... 24 hours?! Officer, my friend might be in a big trouble, and you are telling me to wait 24hours?... Is there nothing you can do?... Please officer, I am begging you, this has never happened before... Okay"

When the phone conversation ended, I looked at her and knew it was not good.

"He says they only deal with missing persons after 24 hours. Right now there is nothing they can do,"

I was about to sit on the ground once again, my legs felt like jelly, but Edith took hold of me and guided me to her car.

"Let's drive around and see if there is anything we can see,"

Two hours later, we drove back to James' apartment and sat in the living room.

"Tell me again what happened," she asked and I did. Giving her all the tiny details I could remember.

"Have you guys had any fight recently?"

"Nop, the last time we had a serious fight was last year when I thought he was cheating,"

"What about any weird behavior or attitude from him?"

"Edith, the guy proposed two weeks ago, we have been the happiest couple in town for the past week... Except..."

"Except what?"

"Come to think of it, there are several times I found him awake standing on the window and staring outside"

"Did you ask him what was going on?"

"Yeah, I did and he told me, he is a little bit anxious about starting a family when he is not financially stable enough. But he still wants to do it because he loves me."


We stayed in silence for like five minutes when my phone beeped and I jumped on it. It was a text from James. It read;

"Whatever you do, please do not call the police. I love you babe, I will always love you Sarah    Bundit. I hope you remember that."

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