Wolf Quirk (A BakuDeku Two-Shot)

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Izuku Midoriya had a best friend called Katsuki Bakugo, referred to as Kacchan, as long as he can remember. They grew up together and got their quirks together too. When they were playing in the sandpit, Katsuki, suddenly made a small explosion, making the sand fly all over Izuku.

Ka: sorry Deku, I guess I got my quirk

Iz: it ok kacchan, but that quirk is amazing, with the explosions, you would make a great hero.

Ka: Yeah, it is pretty awesome.

Izuku suddenly got up onto all fours and ran around Katsuki like a small puppy around their owner. Katsuki giggled at this. Izuku felt happy and his ears suddenly popped out of his hair and a tail that stood up, they had green fur and had surprised Katsuki at first.

Ka: hehe Deku, you have wolf ears

Iz: what!? maybe it's my quirk

Deku jumped up and gripped katsuki's hand dragging him to their parents who had occupied a bench, chatting away.

As he approached the two women, were surprised to see their 'precious' izuku with wolf ears and a tail.

Iz: Mommy, Kacchan, and I got our quirks, I'm a wolf and kacchan can make explosions.

Inko replies hesitantly: w-wow, that's great.

Little did the cute Izuku know that it was a lie and moments later he would never see his mother, best friend, and auntie again.

Time Skip:

On the Midoriyas' way home from the park, they made a quick stop by the woods, it was no more than 10 minutes into the drive when they came to a halt.

Iz: Mommy, why are we here?

In: To get rid of you. Now get out!

Iz: but why mommy, I thought you loved me.

In: no one will ever love you, you're just a filthy animal who I am throwing back out to where it truly belongs, now OUT!

(A/N-I don't hate Inko, in fact, I love her she is probably one of the most overlooked characters in the manga, this is just for the plot)

Izuku was scared, shook visibly, and climbed out of the car, shivering from instantly being hit by the cold winter breeze. As soon as he shut the door behind him, his mom drove off, splashing mud on him.

He began crying not knowing what to do. He wandered around for hours until he gave up on finding civilization. He would never see his Kacchan again. Would he even want to be friends with him after knowing he was a quote 'filthy animal' unquote?

Izuku came across a cave and decided on spending the rest of his life there.

An even longer time skip: 15 years old

Izuku had been living in the woods for 9 years now, he was 15 and was smart, he had taught himself how to do maths and other stuff like detecting weather from sensing weather patterns. (A/N-If I'm wrong, I'm sorry, I don't know this shit)

He would hunt for his own food and help other animals in need. He had trained and was ripped. with his quirk, he had enhanced senses, such as sharp sight/hearing, and could sense the presence of animals and humans from a kilometer away. He could also tell their size and mass and he also would have a feeling if they were good or bad like most animals could. His quirk also gave him the ability to turn into a wolf and back.

Of course, he missed his beloved Kacchan, but he was living in constant fear that he hated him and thought of him as a foul creature who doesn't deserve to be loved.

Wolf Quirk Two-shotWhere stories live. Discover now