Are we there yet?

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I stared blankly out of the passenger side window of my best friends car. It's been 13 hours since we first entered this mechanical prison. I don't like cars. "This is the most agonizing car ride of my life" I moan to my best friend, Josie

"Shut up" she snaps back at me "It's not my fault you got us lost" she said with a yawn. It was true, I had read the map wrong and we ended up 5 hours out of the way. I looked over at her, she was a very pretty girl but right now she looked like a mess, she was hunched over the steering wheel, there were dark circles under her eyes and her once perfect makeup was overshadowed by the dark circles under her eyes. we had driven all night. She noticed my stare and a small smirk crept onto her face "think we'll see any ghosties?" she asked with the excitement of a 3 year old who had just received a box of candy. This place was supposed to be haunted, and Josie was a HUGE paranormal freak. She had dragged me on a few other adventures but they were always exciting so I was happy to agree to another one.

"Maybe" I said teasingly

I didn't necessarily believe in ghosts but I knew we were going to have a good time as usual so I played along.

We were on our way to Mentrilla estate, a giant mansion owned by an insane lady in the early 20th century. She was know to have had some mental problems. She apparently used to have parties where she'd kill off people who didn't head her warnings of "she's coming".... Whatever that means. When the local asylum doctors came to haul her off she shot herself in the Attic on November 13... But the body was never recovered. Legend has it that she faked her death and haunts the place to this day. Or so I've heard. The haunting are the strongest on November 13, and there have been a few strange deaths that are connected to the House and occurred on the 13th.

I look over at the gps, 2 more hours. 'Dammit' I think to myself. I just want out.

I close my eyes

It feels so good

I let the tired feeling engulf me and I drift off to sleep

It feels like the only escape from this car

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