Black bug

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I lay on my bed bored out of my mind when I hear my phone buzz. "Hey girl! Me,Nino,Adrian and Luka are going to the park, you wanna come?" I gazed at the message from Alya for a moment then respond and started to get ready. I put on my favourite grey jumper, grabbed my purse and headed out. "Hey gurll!" Calls Alya as she see me running over. "Hey Alya, wheres Adrian?" I question, Then continue to say hello to Nino and Luka. "He isn't here yet but he will be soon!"

I jump on the buildings, rushing to the park knowing I'm already late. Father didn't say I could go but he never said that Chatnoir couldn't take me. "Claws in" I call from behind the bakery

(Back to Marinette)
"Ahh oo WOH" I stubble as Adrian walks over and says hello. "Comon guys!, Aundrey should be here soon" Nino shouts then we all go searching for him.

We find him and it turns out Kugami was also there training, we get her mum to agree to let her have a break then go order our ice cream.
"Oh how sweet, you two are an amazing match dear Nino and Alya." Aundrey poets "Kugami and Adrian, an odd match but it suits you two." he continues, then gets to me and Luka, "hmmmmm, I haven't seen you two yet, your names are Luka and Marinette, am I correct? He snuffles "yes Aundrey what ice cream do you have for us?" Luka replies with his amazingly calm tone. "Blueberry ice cream topped with black liquorish" He sings with joy knowing he's just created a brand new blend. We go sit down and enjoy our ice cream, me and Luka crunch down on our ice cream when he leans in, he asks for my permission and in a fluster i nod. He leads in further and kisses me softly on the lips. I'm quite shocked at first but I relax and kiss back. At that moment I knew he would be my soulmate for ever and wanted to do everything with him. He leans back and smiles and continues to eat his ice cream. I blush and then look at Adrian, he's staring at me then Kugami pulls his head back to her and shoves their faces together. I'm not even mad about her kissing him.... or not really, I was mad that she didn't get consent and how I'm so lucky to have such a respectful..boyfriend...

The day ends and we head back to the bakery. Alya and Nino walk ahead on there way home and Kugami leaves with Adrian. Luka asks if he can stay at mine for a bit since he forgot his bike and had been dropped of by some friends. I agree and we head up. By then, all my photos of Adrian had been replaced by photos of my friends and Luka(Adrian is in some).We spend the whole night laughing and he even took me on a romantic walk! When he had to leave I felt sad but I knew I would see him again.

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