Friends before anything

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                 But I let my dairy have Zach but I really feel hurt . I don't think that my friend ship with my dairy will last very long if she found out that I had liked her ex boyfriend . She is very emotional . Even though I like him I think friend ship is more important .

           I don't think that there is a such thing as best friends , friends, or fake any thing such as  sisters, cunzins, or brothers. Friends can really be a pain because it is always wat they won't not wat you won't. But can you blame them u have been like that before.

          I had liked this boy in my class  name Donavin for a long time untell this boy  named Jawaun had came to my class . He was way cuter then Donavine . You no, that girl at the begging of the book . Oh I forgot  I didn't say her name well her name is Tattyana and she was my best friend and she had went with jawaun .

         See we didn't like these girls untell we became friends . They names was Seandirrick, Lasundra,and Tanisha. Well I didn't like her at that time but taty did. I guess y'all wondering who is taty well taty is a nickname for Tattyana . But it was really me,Chaniqua , and Tattyana we was the three best friends . Untell that day we was mad at each other .I had made a poem called CHANGE'S and I am going to talk about it in a minute.

               I think my true friend is the one's I have at church but u can never be sure who is your real friend . Let me tell you about wat my friend had told me about lol ! She had told me about the five steps. The five steps u would ask well the dive steps is :
Step 1:hugs
Step 2:kiss
Step 3:tung kiss
Step 4:sex
Step 5:a baby

        Tbh I don't think anyv body made it to step five yet . My friend she had only made it to step 3 which is tung kissing .But she is still a virgin well I think so.

         I no this girl and she will believe anything she hear like come the fuck on . You remember the poem I was talking about well here it is.


"Friends forever", you promise, together tell the end . We did everything with each other. You were my bestfriend.
When I was sad, you were by my side , When I was scared ,you felt my fear . You were my best support if I needed you , you were there.

You were the greatest friend, you always knew what to sat , You make everything seem better . As long as we each other  ,everything would be okaii.

But somewhere along the line we slowly came apart . I was here , you were there, It tore a hole in my heart.

Things were changing , our cheerful music reversed it's tone. It was like having salt without pepper . And the sun without its light .

Suddenly were miles apart , two different people with nothing the same . It was as if we hadn't been friends  although we knew deep in our hearts neither of us was to blame.

You have made new friends . And lucky, so had I , But that didn't change the hurt ,the lose of our friendship made my cry.

As we grow older things must change, But they don't always have to end . Even though it is different now , you well always be my friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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