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'Good day Mr. Bright Brent Vachirand. Our team was in awe upon seeing your photographs in different local magazines. In relation to this, we would like to invite you to be one of the photographers for the upcoming fashion show in your country next month. Please see the attached documents in relation to our invitation. We are looking forward to working with you. Have a great day – Glamour Fashion Show Communication Representative'.

This is the best news that I've ever received in my entire working career as a photographer. Finally, I can showcase my work to an international audience. Achieving this at the age of twenty seven is quite satisfying. I've worked hard for this and I promised that I will even work harder. I'm so happy that someone in the international stage noticed my work.

"Bro, what are you grinning for? You seemed energetic at this hour" Frank, my assistant, suddenly interrupted me with my happy thoughts. He just returned from the breakfast tent. We are currently at the forest reserve park for our magazine shoot. It's only five in the morning and any minute from now, we will start the shoot once the sun starts to peek. The models were already done with their make-ups and also on standby for the shoot.

"I've just received an email for the next gig. It's the biggest and most glamourous gig I'll ever participate to" I happily said to Frank then I showed the email to him.

"Wow! That's indeed a big shot. It's your first international gig. Congratulations, bro" he said as we fist bumped.

"Thanks, bro" I responded with my biggest smile.

As soon as the sun raised, we started the shoot. I like working with professional models because they already knew their best angles so they only needed lesser instructions from me. Frank is also quick and easy to work with. He already knew what to do on how I wanted the photo to be after I briefed him my vision for the shoot. He's a valuable asset for me not just only for my work but also as a younger brother even though we're not blood related.


The shoot was uneventful and we were done just on time. Frank and I went back to my studio to continue our work. 'The Brent Studio' is my investment for my photography works. This is where the magic of our works happened. I was able to secure a space in one of the buildings in the city and made it to my own studio. So far, I have three staff members working for me. Frank is the one who always accompanies me in all my shoots. Film is the one in-charge with my appointments and contracts. And, Foie is the one in-charge with the whole studio since I'm usually out for outside jobs.

As soon as we arrived at the studio, Frank announced that I was invited to an international fashion show. Everyone congratulated me and they ordered pizza to celebrate. As for me, I immediately went to my office to check on the documents sent to me by the fashion show representative. I'm really excited for this project.

The documents were composed of the QR code invitation for the fashion show, the fashion show program, a hotel accommodation in the event location, an invitation to all their parties, and the brief profiles of the models involved. After I went through all of it, I focused myself on the list and photos of diverse models. They were all equally gorgeous in their own ways.

As I was scanning the photos, I was captivated by a certain model named 'Metzi'. His photo above his profile depicts a tall, well-built body in a Greek God costume who posed in the historic and ancient ruin – The Parthenon of Greece. It felt like this model in the photo has a dominating aura yet fragile in his deeper personality. I suddenly got interested in what other personality can he project through his photos so I searched him on Instagram.

His Instagram account username is 'The_Metzi'. It has twelve million followers around the world. He's definitely a popular model. I wonder why I haven't heard about him. I only scrolled down some of his posts. I was impressed by his Instagram account. He regularly updated it with his pictures and behind the scenes clips from his modeling gigs. He knew how to interact with his fans. No wonder he got lots of followers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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