A New Age

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     A land of prosperity and light beckons in the distance. A loyal King sits on his rightful Throne in a stone Castle that sits upon a cliffside. Wide fields cover the land to the East, filled with mighty horses and livestock. To the West a lavish forest filled with comfort and ground that is covered in beaming wildflowers. In the North the ocean lays at rest and shimmers underneath the sun, reflecting the beams of light. The South is the Kingdom of Everdale, the townsfolk and the villages that they inhabit. King Cassian gratefully reigns over it all with his strong protective hand. The same one he uses to cup the cheek of his beloved Queen, the hand that tightens his beautiful Daughters stirrup when she rides her horse. Those hands protect his people, his Kingdom.

     The townsfolk all agree that he is a gracious ruler. The people of Everdale only hope that his Heir - his Daughter - rules with the same steady hand as her Father's. To truly rule properly she should be sitting by his side observing him and how he decides what is best for the land, as the rightful Heir to the throne she is deserving of that much. However there is one thing preventing her from claiming her rightful place; her Father, the King. She has all the freedom she could want, full access to the Castle both the West Wing and the East Wing, the Whistling Forest, and even the town of Clovelly just South-West of the Castle. But all she wants is to prove to her Father that she is worthy of the title, and the responsibility. However Cassian still insists that her future husband studies by his side instead of her. Aldrich the Prince of Gaulle, a neighboring Kingdom in the South East, and betrothed to Princess Claira Mae Lee. Aldrich steals the heart of many, his golden hair and rich green eyes enthrall the kind women of Gaulle. The two are the most sought after couple in nearly a century.

     The ginger haired Princess sits idly on the sill of the veranda, leaning back against a beautifully carved stone pillar a leather bound book in her hands. Her enchanting blue eyes focused on the waves crashing against the rocks far below her. The wise girl longs to be something more than just another one of her fathers relics. Her mind is filled with all the desiderium like thoughts that swirl through her head, a deep feeling of saudade constantly lingering in her bones. Forever feeling as though she has lost something so precious and so intimate that nothing can truly remedy her anguish. The constant rhythm that is the crashing waves, has always been a foreign comfort to the girl yet remains to feel quite familiar all the same.

     A gust of wind flows through the veranda, blowing her copper curls away from her face. Claira embraces the chilled gale like an old friend deeply inhaling the salty sea air. A sense of serenity coming over her features only for her eyes to narrow upon looking up to the sky. Heavy grey clouds are starting to appear along the horizon, sighing she grips the book closer to her chest and swings her legs back onto the stone floor of the veranda, letting her cream dress flow behind her. The dress was her mothers and was crafted beautifully, the square shaped neckline has handcrafted lace lining that matches the lace on the trim on the sleeves that sit just above the elbow. The fabric is light and flows easily as she walks, her shoes tapping lightly on the floor.  Walking down along the veranda, she allows her thoughts to cloud her mind. With one last glance to the North Sea behind

     The curved ceilings are high above her head. Ornate gold chandeliers hang from the ceiling, matching the gold detailing on the walls and door frames. Large windows peak out onto the fast approaching storm, but the young Princess isn't worried in the slightest. Turning down the long hallway a balcony waits at the other end of the corridor, instead she enters a room to the left; the East Wing library. Light cascades in through the far windows desks and lounges clutter the inner space, but the young woman strides to the end of the room to a rolling ladder. Climbing up a few steps she returns the book in its rightful place. Her hand lingers there a little longer her mind traveling to her Mother and Father and her Kingdom, with a solemn sigh she climbs back down the ladder and continues on her way. The Kingdom is vast, and spreads as far as the eye can see and one day she'll prove that she is worthy to rule over it all.

     In the far South of the Kingdom, a small farmhouse stands still in the middle of a wide field between two large hills. A young man cares to the fields, tossing seed along the freshly dampened soil due to a large storm that blew in a few days ago. The sun drowns him in heat and light, however the warmth only reaches the surface of his skin. His once kind heart grows cold on this warm spring day. His solemn expression breaks for a moment as a small lamb rubs insistently against the mans leg, he grins down at the little lamb patting it's soft woolly mane. The light drains from his kind eyes once more as he turns his head towards the rickety old farmhouse that's covered in vines and climbing flowers.

The thatched roof is caving, and the once pristine exterior has now turned a strange rusted colour. The wide window on the first floor is the only thing catching the mans attention. His fluffy brows furrow in worry, but he continues on tossing the new seed that will hopefully bring in a new wealth. The harsh sun feels like nothing but a gentle kiss on his cheek, persistent and determined though his mind wanders to the frail women in the rickety old house. A woman who once danced in that same field years earlier, a woman that seemed to age like wine. Much like her son, her persevering persistence and witty personality made her one hell of a businesswoman. A heart full of joy slowly diminished over the years, as the weight of losing a dear friend, and soulmate grew heavier and heavier until she could barely stand. Those legs that once danced and ran and jumped over fences, and carried the weight of the new load of seed are now crippled to her spring bed.

The thumping of a carriage coming down the drive, full of enticement and opportunity, prompting the young man with a choice. Settle a debt, or carry the weight of an unpreventable death, or perhaps both. His mother knows what is best for her son just like she always has, but will he have the strength to do what is best?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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