Fun Fact

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I'm in constant, unbearable pain all the time. I want to just die. I'm writing this about why so hopefully you don't make the same mistake I did.
I made a deal with the devil. I was dying of cancer, and I wanted my family to be financially comfortable after my death. So, after summoning him (I will not include how I did this, becuase it's something you should never, ever do, which I learned the hard way) I asked him to make sure my family had enough money to live comfortably after my demise.
And he smiled. He just smiled and said "Sure, and I'll take away your cancer while I'm at it."
Now, I'm not idiot. Well I guess I am, but at the time I didn't think so. I knew enough to know that there's always a catch. So, obviously, I aked him, "What's the catch?".
He smiles again. He says "All you have to do is allow me to remove one organ from your body. Any organ of my choosing."
So I think about it. I figure this is some kind of trick... he's gonna remove my heart or some shit and kill me. So I wanna make sure I get this right. I say to him "Are you going to take a vital organ?"
And he laughs at me and says "I can make it so you can live without the organ I choose" he pauses. "So, do we have a deal?"
I go through all the scenarios in my head. If he removes my heart, I can still survive because he will make sure I survive. Living without a heart wouldn't be so bad. Lungs, same thing. Stomach, yeah. I went through every organ I could think of, imagined life without it, and decided that I'd be willing to give any one of them up. So I said three words that I will regret for the rest of my life: "It's a deal"
Fun fact: Did you know your skin is considered an organ?

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