Finding my Bluebird...

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You moved to a new area a new school leaving everything back in new miss your friends and family and long for moved to Washington state in a quiet small town in the middle of live in a two-story cabin house in the middle of a pine forest...your nervous because your first day of school is coming up...its the night before your first day and you panic...frantically running around looking through boxes of stuff you have yet to unpack hoping to find the appropriate outfit for school...freshman year is one of the most important years and you needed to make a good decide on a light purple overall dress with puff sleeves...a white shirt underneath and your auburn hair tied up in two low buns...

The morning comes and you get a bowl of lucky charms for good luck tie up your doc martens and head out to walked a couple of blocks and noticed a bluebird...he was flying around frantically you were confused and realized he was flying from a giant black that moment you realized you could either be quiet or be yourself at school and you wanted to be yourself....

You arrive at school hundreds of kids flood the hallways and you're just trying to get your locker 109 you say softly... a Sophmore bump's into you pushing you to the ground making all the books in your hands scattered across the floor...tears fill your eyes as you hear..'hey are you ok...?' a tall boy with curly brown hair a sweater and collared shirt underneath reaches his hand out to grab it and he helps you up...he neals down collecting your books and hands them to you softly...' hi ' he says..' my names Archie'..he smiles and you tell him your name..' hi I'm ivy..nice to meet you'....he smiles and says nice to meet you too...

You guys walk together chatting trying to find your locker when he stops and finds it...he helps you open it and you place your books inside...leaning against the locker to your left he smiles and says 'i don't think I've seen you in town before...are you new?' you nod and a smile comes across his face it was a gentle smile...' ah' he exclaims 'well I've been here my whole life....maybe you would want to go to town with me after school..?' you smile and say ' of course...maybe we could go to the bakery..?' 'ah yes the bakery' he says 'one of my favorite spots in town..' he smiles and you smile back 'well it was nice meeting you ivy..I look forward to seeing you after school...?' 'yes of course after school around...hmm 4:30..?' 'perfect'...he says...' i cant wait' both smile and you blush softly...

Your eager to get out of school taping your pencil softly on your desk watching the clock waiting for that 3:30 mark to hit....' come on' you say count the seconds...55....56....57....58...59...3:30 the bell rings and you collect everything a fast as you can darting out the door of the classroom and run all the way slam the front door and give out a sigh of relief...' honey...are you ok?'...your mom asks...' how was school..?'....while breathing heavily you say 'amazing'...gasping for air you tell your mom your meeting a friend in town shes so happy for you and walks you to the kitchen bar where she had sliced apples and peanut butter waiting for guys talk until its time to go meet Archie....

4:30 quickly check the mirror one last time and grab your purse, you head out the door your mother wishing you good luck and you're walk to the first stop sign and see the same bluebird again..this time no evil black crow was chasing smile and the bird knew this evening would be met with Archie in front of the bakery..' hidden valley bakery' he reads while smile back as he opens the door for enter the bakery and get a whiff of fresh pastries and honey hitting your inhale and exhale deeply...

'ah' Archie sighs 'i love this place..' he smiles and begins listing every pastry they have...' oh and this...this is my favorite....a raspberry tart with coarse sugar on top..' you look over at him, he looks amazed..Archie almost drooling asks..' so what's your favorite dessert..?' 'well uhh...hmmm' say questioning whether it's scones or....lemon tarts...' lemon tarts are mine..' Archie looks shocked...' wow the two most compatible flavors..' he smiles and you guys order your tarts and talk whilst sitting on the bench outside the bakery..

'so uh..where did ya move from?'..Archie sigh putting your tart down...' uhh I moved from new jersey..'....Archie smiles and says' oooo the place where snow happens every season'..he laughs..and you sigh..'yep' you say sadly...Archie places his tart down and puts his hand on your shoulder...' it'll be ok..I know change can be tough sometimes but maybe it's for the best..' he smiles and you blush softly saying 'yea change can be great...'..' without change I would have never met you..' say smiling...Archie smiles but looks shocked at the same and him both knew this was the start of something amazing...

It's been 7 months since you've moved mid march...Washington was flourishing in flowers and and Archie found a hidden field last winter and wondered what it would look like in spring you never found out so you called Archie and told him to meet you at the both get there almost in sync and you look amazed...the field was covered in daisies..lilacs..dandelions and the most beautiful tall laugh...' wow Archie look... it's even more beautiful than I expected..'...Archie glances over to you and smiles...' yes..yes it is.. it's so beautiful..'...

You guys walk over to this giant oak tree and talk about summer plans and what you're thinking about doing once school lets out for spring break...' yea and that's what I'm doing this summer'..Archie smiles and looks at both laugh softly....' sounds like a good plan...I don't really have anything planned yet but as long as it's with you I'm happy..' you smile and Archie blushes...' you know..' he says softly moving the hair out of your face...'im so glad I met you' blush and sigh softly....' me too..' Archie leans in closer.... your heart is racing like the sound of heavy rain on your metal lean in and feel his soft breath on your face...noses almost touching Archie rests his hand on your face grabbing it softly and pulling it towards him...he leans in and your lips was a passionate long kiss...something you have never had before...he gently let's go and blush and smile back...

softly Archie whispers..' you'll always be my bluebird..' smile and blush at the same time..

ahhh i hope you guys liked this short story if you want a part two lmk :) 

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