2. The Young Swan.

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 **Quick Disclaimer, there is mention of Blood and being with someone when they die.  Okay, enjoy x !**


AS the late morning sun shone through the slightly parted curtains, the young brunette groaned in desperation for a couple more moments of sleep. But, as she rolled onto her back, the sound of tires on gravel caught her attention.

As Trixie sat upright, she peaked through the gap in her curtains, glancing towards the road where a red truck pulled up, parking horizontally in between Emma's car and the neighbour's police cruiser. Although she knew that she was being rude, her curiosity told her to stay and watch. 

After a few moments, Trixie was brought out of her day dream by a small group conversing out on the front lawn of her neighbours house; having enough of being nosey, the young brunette sighed, left the comforting blankets, that had pooled on her lap as she sat up, and went into the bathroom to prepare for another day of unpacking. 

After taking her time in the shower, Beatrice threw her hair up into a messy bun before lightly jogging down the stairs, her sock clad feet slightly slipping on the tiled flooring of the kitchen.

Like every morning Trixie greeted her aunt with a hug and a smile; taking a glance out of the bay window that was in the kitchen, Trixie could see that the group outside were still there.

Getting a closer look, Trixie identified a teen boy, maybe a year or so younger than herself, to his right, there sat a middle aged man in a wheelchair wearing a black brimmed hat, seeing the similarities between the two males Trixie assumed them to be relatives of some sort. 

After inspecting two males for a short time more, Trixie's cautious eyes flickered to the male and female duo that stood opposite from the two males. Trixie spotted the similarities between these pair like the other two, the same colour hair, the similar way in how they stood, relaxed yet with good posture. 

"That's Isabella and Charlie Swan." Trixie jumped at the sound of her aunts voice, scolding herself for not hearing her come up behind her.  Trixie wanted to know more, so she waited, knowing that her aunt was one for gossip, she liked to know everything about everyone, but she remained respectful and that's all that Trixie could hope for.  As expected, Emma continued to fill her niece in on what she knew about the father and daughter. 

"Isabella is your age, you'll be going to school together. If I recall what Madeline said correctly on the phone, Isabella only arrived this morning, she used to live in Arizona you see, with her mother. That man next to her, that's her father, he's the Sherriff." Emma finished her little run down of the two person family who lived next door. Trixie had never met this, Madeline before, but she does know that her aunt and Madeline were close back in England.

That's how Emma knew about this place, Madeline. Like her aunt, Madeline was also one for gossip however, unlike Emma, Madeline wasn't respectful and would gossip about whoever she could regardless of whether or not that information should be shared. 

With a silent scoff, Trixie headed towards her shoes that lay by the front door, slipped them on and as quietly as possible opened the front door to head to her aunts car where the rest of the boxes lay. 

Trying not to draw attention from the group on her left, Trixie kept her head down, and headed towards her aunts car and quietly opening the boot, Trixie's digits grabbed the first box, hauling it towards her chest and pivoting on her heel, Trixie headed swiftly headed inside, placed the box in the living room to deal with later and headed back out; and so the cycle repeated until the car had been emptied of all the cardboard boxes. 

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