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     It had been a long and tiring day at work and you were in the middle of opening the door to your house then you suddenly heard a crash from the inside of your house. You were honestly thinking "omg...has the italian mafia finally come to kill me after my tax evasion crime? There better be man tiddy involved in my death or else" , you slowly pulled your tazer out of your pocket because you don't trust yourself after all those Diavolo kidnapping catgirl fanfictions and then entered your house. What you saw shocked you, A toddler version of Kars & Esidisi, and baby versions of Wamuu and Santana/Santviento. You were just shocked but the mini pillarmen seemed more shocked that a grown woman had entered the house with posters of Joseph joestar and them on the walls. "Okay let me explain" you said but you were then cut off with a mini Bone blade to your throat "explain" kars said in his itty bitty baby voice.

You tried your best not to laugh as you explained, as you were explaining Santana kept staring at you like a cat watching a toy dangle in its presence. Once you finished you also said " Humanity and Technology as advanced greatly since your time, therefor things will be different for you guys and... Due to your current identity and uh 'Physical form' that you guys are in... I'll have to adopt you...?" You said sounding like a question. "How Impudent!" Itty bitty esidisi said. Then kars said "I guess...we can temporarily accept those terms...The human is right... surprisingly" you slightly beamed as you said "Alright! I'll go out and buy clothes for you guys tomorrow then! For now you two get some rest!" You then guided them to the guest room you also pulled two old dog beds from your closet and put two blankets over them and fluffed them a bit, they were temporarily for Wamuu and Santana as makeshift baby beds for now. You also quickly dusted the bed that Esidisi and Kars will be sharing, you also added an extra fluffy blanket for good measure. You then looked at them and said goodnight. You sadly didn't have time to shower because today you worked overtime and you just changed, brushed your hair and washed you face a bit and then groaned and flopped face first onto your bed. You slowly then drifted to sleep.
You then awoke an hour later to some weight shifting on your bed, it was Santana. He was quietly staring at you, he looked as if he sought comfort and you smiled warmly and let him sniff your hand for a bit and when he was comfortable enough, you gently caressed his head and layer him right next to you and said "Sleep, I'll fight the bad dreams if they come to get you."
The Oxytocin was starting to kick in quickly...

You're Not my mom! Jjba reincarnated kid! Pillarmen x readerWhere stories live. Discover now