In my previous story, "Despicable Deeds." There was a peculiar feeling instigating in me that, I would face similar situations in near future. However, I didn't mind, and I use to meet the Saint, Karma and Ashoka. On weekends, I visit them, and they taught me the art of exorcism and many other arts to recognise evil powers. I mayn't be flawless but the knowledge which they had imparted will make a huge impact on me in near future. I thanked them always. During weekdays, I was indulged in work, as I conversed in my story about the Orphanage where I worked. I should say that the place was perfect place, where I truly learned the meaning of life, I mightn't be a great man, but that place made me think, albeit I had faced many hardships in life, but still my life was going smooth.
I was immersed in Computer systems, rebooting and repairing works, you may say, I did handle the role of electrician for setting up the system. I was besieged by machines, operating systems, setting up networking configurations, however, this wasn't tedious as compared to my previous organisation, as it was a Multinational Conglomerate, so the work uses to tedious, however, I enjoyed that part too, and I wasn't a noob for these works. I also had to make note of the work done daily, I use to jot down the work in my dairy.
I repaired computers of the staff working there, and as I uttered in my previous story, my staff and me uses to teach basic knowledge of computers to the students. The work was generic for me, and this was the knowledge I possess; however, the clairvoyant knowledge wasn't disclosed to anyone, and that was the best way.
There is another obnoxious anecdote to be faced by me.