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Bucky followed Sam with his eyes as he went to where he was called and needed.

"Come on, let's get you treated."

Bucky backed Sharon up to help her get to the medical unit.

"It shows..." said Sharon playfully.

"What? What shows?"

"That you're making eyes at him..."

Bucky began to protest vehemently. "Nonsense! We're friends, that's all."

"Bucky, Bucky, Bucky..." Sharon sighed before continuing, "This vehement denial leads to suspicion. Come on, not to me. I'm an agent, super trained to detect lies. And since you're not wearing your Winter Soldier mask anymore, I can read you just fine. Especially when Sam is around."

Bucky gave in, he knew there was no point in pushing it against someone like Sharon.

"So what, it doesn't matter anyway. Nothing will happen. How could I even dare say anything to him. It's pathetic, me an ex-killer with dozens of assassinations under my belt, trying something with Captain America, with Sam."


"Everybody wants somebody that they can't have Sharon. For me it's Sam. I've come to terms with it."

They had arrived in the medical unit.

"Well, we're here. I'm going home now. Take care of yourself and I hope not to see you again for a long time."

Bucky began to walk away.

"Hey Bucky!" Sharon called out to him.

He stopped and turned to her.

"I don't think you should give up so easily." she backed up her words with a look to the sky behind Bucky.

He followed the direction in which Sharon was pointing and saw Sam flying towards him and then landed in front of him. Sam crossed the few steps that separated them while lifting his mask.

He framed Bucky's face with his hands before kissing him tenderly.

Then he moved back, tapped the receiver that was still in Bucky's ear and said smiling, "Everybody wants somebody that they can't have, right? But who says you can't have me?" before flying off into the sky.

As a dazed Bucky followed him with his eyes, Sam's voice reached his ears, "What about me, can I have you? "

Coming to his senses Bucky replied, "Why don't you come check it out after you're done being a hero..."

"Count on me!"

With a confident smile on his lips, Bucky saw Sam do one last spin in the distance before disappearing into the sky.

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