Chapter 31

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"How is your night going so far?" Sira reached before your site with a smile on her lips, after she had finally spotted you in the room after quite some minutes that she had lost sight of you.

"Odd is the perfect word to describe it for now." You replied then proceeded to grab a glass from a waiter that passed by with a tray full of drinks and take some gulps down from it, not caring what type of alcohol it was, however, you definitely came to regret that spontaneous action of yours as the burning feeling that the liquid that you swallowed more abruptly than you should have, made you cough a bit and distorted your facial expression.

"Wow there. I have never seen you take a shot like that. Did anything happen?" Sira placed her hand behind your back and patted you lightly, till you gathered yourself again and passed her the drink, not planning to drink from it a second time.

"Where to start really. I will tell you as soon as we get some time to ourselves." You tried to give her a reassuring smile as you could see worry and curiosity in her eyes.

"Did our brave Y/N decided to let herself loose tonight and drink till she does not have any control of herself?" Taehyung's voice drew the attention of you two behind your backs where he seemed to have been, two feet distance or so.

"Not even once in a blue moon, I would give you the satisfaction to see me at such a condition." He laughed at your statement as he came closer and grabbed the glass from Sira's hand and returned it to you and you took it away from his hands after you rolled your eyes at him.

"Y/n has been drunk only once in her life as far as I know. We once got at a club and-"

"Sira!" You glared at her as you called her name, in order for her to understand that you didn't want her to be telling others about that night and Sira just laughed before bringing her hands and pretending as if she locked her mouth and threw the key.

"Yah! You can't stop it like that. I will die from curiosity. Do you want me to die?" Taehyung started acting extra, making you both laugh a bit at the way his face morphed and the way he placed his hands over his chest, as of he was ready to have a heart attack at any moment now.

"No one ever died from curiosity as far as I know. Stop exaggerating." You hit his arm lightly and he threw his eyes towards you, his facial expression reflecting a sense of offence that made Sira burst out some giggles.

"You do know I like setting trends, right? What if I really die? I thought we were friends Y/N yet here you are playing with my life. Oh, how cruel can this world get." Taehyung went on in full seriousness with his play, causing more laughter to come out of you as none was really taking him seriously.

"Did you decided to fix this boring event by being the clown to it yourself?" Jimin interrupted you as he approached with a smile and placed his hand around your waistline once he arrived at your side.

"Well someone had to be a human comedian in between this circus of snakes and mouses." Taehyung threw his eyes around as he replied, winning a smirk out of his brother, that liked the implication way too much, the Jimin turned his head and looked at you, your eyes locking as you were looking towards him from the moment you felt his hand touching you.

"Did you solve your issue with JaeHyun,  my love?" He asked and you looked away, feeling a bit nervous to tell him that you had decided to befriend the guy. 

You knew Jimin would not like that, especially now that he thought that JaeHyun was suspicious and was doing weird actions related to you. The way JaeHyun had justified to you Daniel's actions, even though there was no proof that it was so, you thought that there existed a percentage that he was telling the truth and because of that you couldn't be absolute and accuse him as Jimin surely will do, claiming as lies and excuses whatever was that JaeHyun had told you

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