Is this Real?

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I had been waiting for this for so long. Could this actually be real?

"Jimin-ssi, Are you gonna say anything?" Jungkook's voice jarred me back to reality. "I guess I misread you." He said, looking down at his feet.

"What? Uh, I mean, yes. I heard you...I was just -uh, processing what you were saying." I stumbled over my words, well aware of what Kookie had just said to me, but not convinced I wasn't dreaming. Jungkook looked up again, meeting my teary eyes with those big, doe eyes of his. I felt a flutter in my stomach. How could anyone NOT be madly in love with him? He's beautiful. Perfect, really. And, he just chose me.

"Jimin, I know I don't have any right to you, any claim. I just feel like I've been fighting my feelings." He stepped closer to me and I could see the single fleck of gold in his left eye. "I guess I felt like you made it clear how you felt about me - I just wasn't sure. I mean, I was sure about how I felt about you, I just thought I wasn't supposed to feel that way. I
didn't know what to do with those feelings. I realize it took me a long time to come to grips with it - with being gay. It took me a long time to accept that I wanted you and those feelings were not going away. I know it's not an excuse, but I was scared. I'm still scared. I'm sorry I didn't say something sooner. I'm sorry I turned you away all this time."

Jungkook reached out, keeping his doe eyes on mine, to take my hand in his, enveloping my small hand inside both of his hands. "I'm sorry," he repeated.

I could feel my face getting hot. My stomach was twisting in knots and I felt just a bit nauseous. Am I actually awake or am I dreaming this? I wasn't sure. A wave of dizziness came over me and my vision became tunneled. I felt as though I was floating.

I have no idea how long I was unconscious, but I woke up in my bed in the dorm. I was fully clothed from the waist down, but my shirt was laying over the footboard. How in the world did I get here? I sat up in the bed, thankfully no longer feeling dizzy or nauseous. There was a glass of water sitting on the table beside the bed. I picked it up and sipped a little, wetting my dry mouth.

"Hello sleeping beauty." I heard a low pitched voice come from the corner of the room. Jungkook. He was rising up out of the overstuffed reading chair in the corner of the room. It was still partially light outside-I could gather this from the slight glow through the window blinds. I watched as Jungkook stood, moving towards the bed slowly, with a slight upward curve to his lips. He ran both of his hands through his beautiful, dark hair and cleared his throat.

"Did you have a nice nap, Jimin-ssi? I was worried about you." He stopped as he reached the bed and leaned down to brush my hair away from my eyes. His touch made my skin tingle. "You look so sweet when you're sleeping."

"What happened, Kookie?" I asked, leaning towards him as he sat on the bed bedside me.

"Well," he chuckled "I guess I could say I was revealing my romantic feelings towards you and you were so disgusted that you fainted." His hand twitched as though he was going to reach for me, but he stopped, placing his hands in his lap and looking down at them.

"I was able to wake you up and you actually walked to the car with me, but you fell asleep on the ride here so I carried you into the dorm and put you in bed. I was worried you were hot so I took your shirt off to let you cool down." He continued staring at his hands in his lap.

"Fainted, huh? Nice Jimin. Smooth. " I said, rolling my eyes at myself. "Disgusted? You think I was disgusted? Oh, Kookie. I was shocked. I mean, I am shocked. I've been waiting on you for a couple of years now. I finally realized I was being selfish and you just weren't going to see me romantically. But you're my best friend and I couldn't just let you go. I just had to try to start seeing you differently. I never expected you to say what you said earlier." I could feel a tear slide down my cheek. I didn't even realize I was crying.

Jungkook looked up at me, shifting his weight and turning his entire upper body towards me. "I know, Jimin-ssi. I'm sorry it took me so long. I'm still immature I suppose. I'm finding myself. I-I think I found myself in you. It's always been you." I could see his cheeks flush as he leaned into me and I could feel his breath on my face. I closed my eyes for a moment, breathing him in. He always smelled so good. Kind of like honeysuckle. He reached his right hand up to my cheek, brushing the back of his hand against me and then gently caressing my cheek. I felt him graze his fingers along my jawline, stopping to rub his thumb along my bottom lip.

He sighed, "God, Jimin-Ssi. I love your lips. Such a perfect pout." I smiled just a bit and my cheeks turned red. "I want to kiss you but it will forever change everything between us." Jungkook said, continuing to stroke my lip with his thumb.

"I've prayed for you to kiss me, Kook - for years. Nothing you have said changes how I feel about you. I've always felt it. If this is where you want us to stay, please don't kiss me. I can live with never having you, but loving you anyway. I'm not sure I can handle loving you, having you, and then letting you go." I gazed at my sexy, silly, sweet, strong, Jungkook. He met my eyes and we simply sat there for a moment, breathing each other in. "What do you want, Kook?" I asked.

Then my gaze shifted to JK's lips. That was the trigger.

I felt the shift in the bed as Jungkook turned, pulling his left leg under himself and placing his left hand on my thigh. It was so fast, his body leaning into mine, hand pressing into my thigh, right hand supporting my cheek and fingers pressed into the back of my neck. He licked his lips and breathed, "I want you, Jimin-ssi. I want to taste your lips...Please..." he trailed off, bringing his lips to mine.

Oh he smells so good and his lips are so soft. What is happening? JK's fingers press tighter into my neck and I feel his soft kiss turn a bit more intense. Then he stops and presses his forehead to mine. "Wow."

Feeling a little lightheaded with butterflies all over my stomach, I reach up, wrapping both of my arms around his neck. "Is this okay, Kook? Please kiss me again."

JK pulls his head away from mine, moving his arms around my waist and landing with hands on both of my hips. "Yeah? I mean, I want to make sure it's what you want. I know, now, without a doubt - YOU are what I want, Jimin. Are you still waiting for me?" He stared at me intently. "Do you still want me?"

Pulling him towards me, I sighed, "Kook, I've never wanted anything other than you. I'm yours." Our lips come together, crashing like waves in a storm. I had one hand in Jungkook's soft, wavy hair and the other was roaming his back. I shivered as I felt him place both of his hands on either side of my face, caressing my cheeks with his thumbs. This felt incredible.

Within just a few moments, I felt Jungkook's tongue dancing with mine, tempting me deeper into the kiss. I felt dizzy and hot as my hands continued to roam around his clothed back and I found myself searching for the hem of his shirt.

Between kisses, I choked out, "Kook. K-Kook, please let me touch your skin."

"Yes, baby. Please touch me." JK responded as he shifted, making it easier to find the hem of his t-shirt. I tugged at it, lifting it up and willing JK to raise his arms. He complied and I pulled the shirt off over his head, tossing it in the floor. I paused for a moment, struck by his amazing shoulders and chest. Not that I hadn't seen him shirtless before but now I could look without anyone judging me and NOW, I could touch.

"Please, Baby. Please touch me." JK whined, grabbing both of my hands and pulling them to his chest. "Feel me. I'm yours." He growled in a low voice. My heart skipped a beat, or five, but I did as he asked. I slowly slid my hands around his chest, up to his neck, down his shoulders, around his upper back, back to his shoulders, down his chest to his rock hard abdomen. I stopped on his abs, closing my eyes, trying to figure out how to breathe. He was... there's just no word to describe it. Jungkook. Jk. Kookie. MY KOOK. My God he was built for perfection-even better-he was modest and didn't realize quite how amazing and sexy he was.

"Oh, Kook." I moaned. "Do you realize how sexy you are?" I slid my hands back up to his chest, running my fingers over his nipples. He shuddered. Our eyes met and we simply stared into each other. A moment passed. And then another. And then another.

"I know how sexy you are." He said, breaking the stare. He took my hands in his, placed them around his neck, and leaned into me, pushing me down to the bed.

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