"watch where your going bunny-chan"

501 9 7

Trigger warning:  "rape ,uncomfortable words,cursing,and smut

" Sh!t , sh!!t!  I'm late!? " Fundy cursed underneath his blanket storming out of his luxurious room, he stumbled and sprained his knee while falling over stairs he groaned in pain and blood flowed down his knee

This was..... definitely not going to be a good morning 😕

Fundy got his tie and suit and stormed off not even being able to catch his breath ,he finds himself in front of the shop, his soft ginger hair flowed throughout the wind, his golden yellow eyes sparkled and shined  "late agian?" Fundys boss stated with a filthy smirk echoed across his face  "you know the rules...~" fundy started to shake ,he was terrified ! He was going to be raped for fucks sake! "Fundy got on his knees almost tearing up his boss smiled like he won







There fundy there on the floor still crying he was scared ,traumatized. He got dressed and got out of the workplace he slammed the door and yelled "I QUIT IM TIRED OF GETTING USED AROUND HIS OFFICE." Fundy ran not wanted to make a scene

the workers ran after yelling "stop" or "you cant!"

There fundy ran And ran with others behind him .He soon ran into a tall handsome man who looked very intelligent, "o-oh I'm so sorry sir!!" Fundy apologized "haha I don't mind a-actually! Dream blushed at the gingers sight of face ,feminine body, and a nice ass,(dream has a thing for fundys asses  😋 )  dreams head went up and down observing the other .He smiled underneath the mask "would you like to work with me?"   "huh" fundy asked "pftttt I'm the owner of the playboy bunny company"  "you think ill do good?" Dream smirked "oh I'm sure...~"  grabbing the small waist of the golden eye boy ,fundy blushed "but first-!"  Dream slips his hand under the others shirt and his eyes close shut . "S-si-" dreams hand went lower to the nipples  those are really sensitive to fundy ,one wrong move and he'll let out a moan "s-mmm we are in p-pUblIc~"   " True..haha !" Dream let go of fundy and watched him the other fall "hehe ..watch where your going bunny-chan~"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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