Drumming All Night (1D fanfic)

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A/N: 1 Direction come in later in the story. My twitter name is:

@lucy_woowoo102    so follow me?


**Myla's POV**

It has been 2 weeks now since my guitar incident. I am now moving out of my student flat. I wish I knew where Josh was. Me and Josh always had the same dreams. I had moved to England from Scotlandto live with my aunt after my parents had died in a car crash. I was only 10 when I moved. Josh and me grew up never being away from each other. We lived next door to eac other and both had balconies we used to climb over the railings and into each others rooms when ever we wanted to.

We both wanted to be drummers. Josh taught me how to play. When we both turned 16 we moved into a student flat together. We were best mates. Last year Josh pulled out of university, I got lonley. I have now been kicked out of university and will have to get a job as a drummer somewhere. Honestly I dont care where.

*Next week*

"I only have one job left and it will only be for a year or two. The drummer for this boyband has to fly all around the world with his parents for a holiday. He hasn't seen them since he left for university." Simon Cowell said to me. "Is it a yes then?"

"Yes, I would love too!" I replied. "When do I start?"

"How about now?" He asked smiling. OMG his teeth are so freaking white! "Oh and one of the boys has ofered to give you a room in his appartment. That is where the current drummer lives as well." He winked at me.

"Thank you so much." I say. I couldn't be happier.

Simon had a limo pick me up and take me to my new home. I was anxious to see what boy band it was. The car journey was about an hour long. I got my case, and rang the door bell. A cute blonde haired boy answered the door.

"You must be our new drummer." He smiled. He was Irish, even cuter. showing me in "Whats yor name?" He asked. I opened my mouth to answer when a group of boys came running down the stairs.

"Myla?" Someone asked shoving every one else out the way to hug me. I nodded

"Josh?" I said. He nodded. We just stood there hugging in the livng room for about 10 minutes.

"You going to introduce your self or just hug Josh all day?" I tried to pull away from josh. He noticed I was crying. He wiped my tears away. Then kissed my forehead.

"Hey I'm Myla" I said smiling.

"Niall" The Irish cutie said.

"Zayn" Zayn said nodding.

"Liam" He said

"Louis" He said before bursting out laughing. Was I missing something. Josh kicked him.

"Harry, at your service" he said winking. Josh held me back. He knew i hated cocky arrogant flirts. He also knew if Harry tried anything he would get a punch in the face from me.

"Get to hell!" I managed to get out. Liam muttered something in Harry's ear.Then Harry disapeared.

"And we are one direction!" They all said together. Freaky???

"Ok, Let me show your room." Niall said. I really like him. Could I be falling for someone I only just met. "Here it is" He said showing me in. "My room is just next door. Decorate your room however you want. I would hurry up and get down stairs, Louis is planning on having a 'Getting to know each other' session. Honestly i just want food." He instantly blushed. He turned towards the door.

"Can I come down with you the now?" I asked, blushing. Way to loose your swag, Myla.

"Sure, oh and just ignore Harry is a right douche sometimes. He thinks he can get any girl he wants." He said blushing again.

"Yeah, he made that pretty obvious. He won't be getting me anyway." i say.

"Why? Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, a bit to quickly. Blushing for a 3rd time. Niall has no swag does he?

"No, Niall can I ask you something?" He instantly nods. "Do you beleive in love at first sight?"

"Yes, why?" He asked.

"Cause, I met a really cute blonde Irish guy today and I think I am falling for him." I say blushing

"Really? Cause I met the cuteist Scottish girl today. I think I am falling for her." He said. leaning in for a kiss. I leaned in too. We kissed. Hell Yeah!

"I wonder if the Scottish girl would like to be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"I wonder if  the Irish boy would like to be my boyfriend?" I asked.

We both nodded, and kissed again. We walked downstairs hand in hand.

"What took you two so long?" Zayn asked winking. I looked at Niall for help.

"We were just talking" Niall lied, really badly.

"Why you two holing hands then?" Louis screamed like a 14 year old girl.

To answer that Niall pulled me in for a kiss. There were remarks like, 'get a room', 'get in there Nialler!'

"If you hurt her you know I will skin you alive and bucher you, Right?" Josh says. I shot him a look. He shut up there. I glanced at Niall, who looked terrified! awww!!!!!

"Whats for dinner?" Niall asks, changing the subject. I honestly dont blame him.

"What ever you want" Harry says walking into the room.

"Nando's takeaway!" Niall and me yelled at the same time.

"You two make the cuteist couple!" Liam says. Harry looked hurt. But he honestly isn't my type!!

*After Dinner*

"Lets play truths" Louis says, well shouts.

"Fine" Zayn says.

"So, Niall" Louis starts off. "How many times have you kissed a girl?" He counts up on his fingers, then kisses me again.

"Four" Niall replied. awwwww! Thats how many times he has kissed me! Cute.

"Are you a virgin Myla?" Niall asks.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked, he shrugged. "Yes!" I eventually let out. Joshed mouthed at me 'Sam' I shook my head.

"But he said.." Josh started to say.

"You think Sam Dick, would tell the truth?"

"When you put it like that" He said.. I stuck my tounge out at him.

"Josh, Who was your first crush and when was it?" I asked Josh.

"That was two!" I glared at him. "We were both 10 and it was... er... Myla Stephens.!" HAHA... Wait What???

We continued playing like this for about 2 hours. Liam left and so did Zayn. Louis made tea and coffee before he and Harry went to their own apartment.

"I'm tired" Josh wailed.

"Go to bed then fat ass!" I said glaring at him. Niall looked amused. " I am going to bed too."

"Same." Niall says.

"Go to bed then fat asses!" Josh called to us from the top of the stairs. I ran up and hugged my best friend. Ke kissed my forehead.

"Hands off my girl!" Niall playfuly shouted. We all laughed. We all went into our rooms. I got changed and Niall came through when Josh had fallen asleep.

We fell asleep with Niall's arms around my waist and my arms around his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2013 ⏰

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