The brown liquid streamed from the decanter, smoothly invading the space of the crystal tumbler. Slowly, the glass was brought up to a pair of rosy lips. The light sound of pattering caused the drinker to divert their attention.
"Scotch...this early?"
"It's helping me relax." The drinker replied coolly while traveling across the room.
"You can't examine paperwork while under the influence, Tilly."
Tilly took a seat on the couch and closed her eyes for a brief moment.
"I'm just trying to wake up, Scarlet."
"Wake up with a cup of coffee." Scarlet snatched the glass from her hand and said, "I'll make you some."
Tilly didn't bother to respond to her friend's rude move. Instead, she carefully examined Scarlet, who was dressed in a knit sweater and leggings. Her red hair was pulled into a lopsided messy bun.
"Get a mop and clean up my floor, too!"
Scarlet muttered some rubbish words that Tilly didn't bother to listen to. She grew comfortable on her couch and decided to place her attention on the mountain of folders that submerged her coffee table. Her MacBook Air was also on the table. She popped her fingers and grabbed an ink pen, trying to get to work.
Her focus was blurred by the sudden sound of gunshots ringing in her ears. She shook her head and tried taking another deep breath. Tilly grimaced as she palmed her face, roughly circling her eyes. Her face grew red from the rocklike pressure.
"The coffee is brewing," Scarlet announced as she moseyed into the living room with the string mop. She noticed Tilly sitting on the couch with a flushed face and immediately grew concerned. "What happened?"
Quickly, Tilly tried to recover from the sudden burst. She shook her head and said, "No need to worry. I'm fine."
"No, you're not." Scarlet countered, setting the mop down. She took a seat beside her friend and examined the dejection that was written across her face. "Something is wrong with you...something happened."
Soft whimpers pushed past Tilly's pink lips as she tried to control her emotions. Her friend was no help in doing so. Before she could think, tears cascaded down her gold-pigmented face.
"I uh..." Tilly sniffed, trailing off. "I did something...bad."
"Something bad...like-like what? What did you do?"
This time her cries were vocalized for Scarlet to hear.
"Tell me, what did you do?" Scarlet pressured her as her eyebrows knitted in frustration.
"I set Malcolm up."
Scarlet didn't speak immediately. She was too busy trying to process Tilly's confession. Her eyes blinked a few times as she parted her thin, pale lips to speak.
"Why would you do that?" Scarlet questioned her calmly as her heart drummed.
"Because...he refuses to be with me."
"Tilly..." She shook her head and pressed her white hands against her ruby-colored hair. "How in the hell did you set him up?"
Tilly explained everything to her best friend.
She admitted to being overly upset with Malcolm and his poor attitude. He didn't want to be with her due to his poor communication skills and rock emotions.
After doing some stalking, Tilly found out that he was seeing another woman. Her heart was broken, and she grew upset after finding out it was Jersey. She wanted to seek revenge, so she did just that.
RandomMalcolm and Jersey continue to face difficult situations that test their love for each other. Follow the pair on their journey.