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⟨If you speak only English go to the middle of the story will be translated⟩

Existiu um tempo muito diferente do nosso que vivemos hoje em dia.Não existia tecnologia,não existia prédios e edifícios,não existia carros,não existia qualquer tipo de roupa,enfim,era um mundo bem diferente,e era a Era medieval.Nesse tempo,haviam apenas reinos que eram governados por reis e rainhas e depois seus sucessores,seus filhos.Cada um tinha seu reino,alguns viviam fora do reino em pequenas cidades ou vilarejo,não longes mas ainda faziam parte dele.E naquele tempo,os reis e rainhas tinham de defender seus reinos pois,eles tinham poderes e em cada reino era um tipo de poder,pois cada reino adorava um ser específico que teve esses poderes e depois foi passado para seus servos.Mas nem todos tinham esse poder,apenas os das famílias reais que já nasciam com esse poder,mas com o tempo tinham que dominá-lo e os que eram ensinados em treinamento rígido (dentro do castelo) para conseguir tal poder,e uma vez aprendido,ele pudesse defender seu reino sendo cavalheiro,arqueiro,curandeiro,enfim.Mas esse treinamento era rigído e muitos não conseguiam e voltavam para casa ou ficavam gravemente feridos ao ponto de terem que retornar a força.E existiam muitos reinos mas alguns se destacavam e um deles era.

Kōri que significava Gelo,pois era o elemento desse reino.Cada reino tinha o nome de seu elemento,e tinha alguns reinos que também não tinham poderes mas se destacavam ou pelas suas armas de batalha,sua grande inteligência...enfim.O reino mais gelado era esse,era um dos reinos mais poderosos e seu grande ser era,Luinor o dragão do gelo flamenjante.O reino de Luinor era muito conhecido por ser um lugar lindo,coberto por gelo e nas batalhas por serem impetuosos e terem um ataque fortíssimo.Eles eram invencíveis eram um reino grande belo e principalmente forte e era governado pela família real,a família Shirasagi.Eles eram bem orgulhoso e muito fortes.(No próximo capítulo falarei mais das famílias).

Mas existia outro reino,que além de ser basicamente de seu nível,era seu rival número 1 e ambas não se gostavam.Por tempos e tempos haviam guerras e os dois reinos sempre estavam de lados opostos e nunca aceitaram a paz,ambos não queriam a paz até que um caísse finalmente.E esse reino era o reino de Hi.

Conhecido pelo seu fogo ardente e elemento oposto do reino Kōri.Eles eram fogo e totalmente oposto do gelo,eles eram conhecidos por serem um reino pacífico(Exceto na guerra) e lindo principalmente nos festivais,o reino de Hi tinham o ser chamado, Spryzen o dono do fogo ardente e pelo seu grande machado que o ajudou a vencer muitas batalhas.Hi era um reino igual os outros em questão de poder (que apenas a família real,a família Kurenai nascia com eles,e os outros tinham de treinar duro para obter)Nas guerras,eles sempre pensavam,eles eram muito inteligêntes e tinham muitas estratégias,e eram os rivais e inimigos ardentes do Reino de Shirosagi.

E por muito tempo esses dois reinos tiveram guerras e nunca aceitavam a paz de maneira nenhuma,e ninguém sabia o por que.

...até que...


⟨Desculpem pela explicação ruim,irei falar mais no próximo capítulo...mas conseguiram entender pelo menos os nomes dos reinos e um pouco haha?⟩


⟨Sorry for the bad explanation, I will talk more in the next chapter ... but were you able to understand at least the names of the kingdoms and a little haha?⟩
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⟨Translated part⟩

There was a time very different from ours that we live in today. There was no technology, there were no buildings and buildings, there were no cars, there was no type of clothing, in short, it was a very different world and it was the medieval era.  there were only kingdoms that were ruled by kings and queens and then their successors their children. Each had its kingdom, some lived outside the kingdom in small towns or villages not far away but were still part of it. And at that time kings and queens had to  defend their kingdoms because, they had powers and in each kingdom it was a type of power, because each kingdom adored a specific being who had these powers and then was passed on to his servants, but not everyone had this power, only those of the royal families  they were born with this power but over time they had to master it and those who were taught in strict training (inside the castle) to obtain such power and once learned he could defend his kingdom as a gentleman, archer, healer en  But this training was rigid and many could not and returned home or were seriously injured to the point of having to return the strength. And there were many kingdoms but some stood out and one of them was.

Kōri which meant Ice, because it was the element of that kingdom. Each kingdom was named after its element, and it had some kingdoms that also had no powers but stood out either by their battle weapons, their great intelligence ... in short.  the coldest it was, it was one of the most powerful kingdoms and its great being was, Luinor the flaming ice dragon.The kingdom of Luinor was well known for being a beautiful place, covered by ice and in battles for being impetuous and having an attack  They were invincible, they were a great kingdom, beautiful and mainly strong and it was ruled by the royal family, the Shirasagi family was very proud and very strong. (In the next chapter I will talk more about families).

But there was another kingdom, which besides being basically his level, was his number one rival and both did not like each other for times and times there were wars and the two kingdoms were always on opposite sides never accepted peace, both did not want peace until  that one finally fell. And that kingdom was the kingdom of Hi.

Known for their blazing fire and opposite element of the Kōri kingdom, they were fire and totally opposite to the ice, they were known to be a peaceful kingdom (Except in war) and beautiful especially at festivals, Hi's kingdom had to be called, Spryzen  the owner of the blazing fire and by his great ax that helped him to win many battles.Hi was a kingdom like the others in question of power (that only the royal family was born with them, and the others had to train hard to obtain)  wars, they always thought, they were very intelligent and had many strategies, and they were the burning rivals and enemies of the Kingdom of Shirasagi.

And for a long time these two kingdoms had wars and never accepted peace in any way, and no one knew why ... until ...

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