The Field Trip Of Doom (Part 1)

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A/N. May is alive but is travelling for work (i didn't want her to die but she couldn't be here for the story so yh) and Peter is living at the stark tower. So just so you know who is living at the tower i will make a list; Tony, Pepper, Peter, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, Thor and Loki (he's good now)

Also Civil war didn't happen, but Tony still went to Peter and asked him to join the avengers, Peter said no but he would still help them etc. Bucky wasn't framed and Steve found him again. I hope that makes sense but if it doesn't you can put a question in the comments. (Tony also knows about his parents as Bucky told him but he forgave him)

Peter waited impatiently for the bell to ring. Mr Stark had told him that would be working on in suit after school and he couldn't wait to leave. The bell rung and Peter along with the rest of his class shot up from their seats, all running towards the door. Their teacher however had the say the classic line they all dread, "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do." The class groaned in unison and trudged back to their seats. "Don't look so annoyed, I have good news!" The class's attitude didn't change though, Mr Thompson's type of fun was never actually fun, last year he took them to a golf resort [no hate to golf] as a treat for the best attendance in the year. Peter had nearly missed being able to go as he had been late or 'skipped' school that many time due to being Spider-Man, not that he would have been complaining if he hadn't been able to go.

Mr Thompson sighed at the class before saying, "well if you don't want to go I can just ask Stark Towers to cancel our overnight trip." The whole class apart from Peter perked up at the mention of Stark towers, immediately ensuring that they wanted to go. Peter however groaned and put his head onto the table with a thud. Ned who was too excited to notice his friends dilemma, "oh my goodness, is this happening! Stark Towers! Peter, are you even listening?" Ned exclaimed, practically vibrating in his seat. Ned shook his friend arm to get his attention, causing Peter to look up and glare at him lightly. His friends dropped his arm, "sorry, it's just Stark Towers!" Peter looked at him unamused, "Ned you go there every weekend." He deadpanned. Ned faced formed an embarrassed expression, "Right, I forgot." Peter shook his head at Ned.

Mr Thompson had dismissed the class and as he left the classroom with Ned, he heard Flash call his name from across the corridor, ignoring him he and Ned continued walking. Flash however didn't seem to like that and stormed over to them. Peter felt his neck tingle slightly just before flash shoved him into the wall. "Ready for your lies to be exposed?" Peter rolled his eyes and stood up, "I'm not lying." He told the boy, making his way back over to Ned. Flash snorted, "yeah right, as if Tony Stark would hire you to be an intern." He sneered. Peter ignored him and walked past Flash and his 'friends' out into the car park where Happy was waiting for him. He said goodbye to Ned and opened the door to the car.

Happy asked him why he took so long as he settled into the back, explaining that his teacher had held them back. Happy nodded and put up the screen between them. Peter smiled even though it didn't seem like it he knew Happy cared. Peter decided to do his homework as they drove home and had finished just as Happy pulled up into Mr Starks private garage.

Peter jumped out of the car and got inside the lift, pressing on the button to the penthouse, he asked F.R.I.D.A.Y if she had any announcements for him once he heard them he then asked if she could play some music as they travelled.

As the doors opened in the penthouse, Peter was greeted with a smell of freshly baked cookies. He made his way into the kitchen where Bucky was seen cleaning up. "Hey!" Peter said with a smile and Bucky turned around, "Hey, how was school?" He asked, offering him a plate of chocolate chip cookies. "Not bad, but I found out I have a school trip," Peter told him frowning, as he bit into a cookie. "What's so bad about that?" Bucky questioned. "It's to here." Peter put it bluntly. Bucky was trying not to laugh, causing Peter to glare at him, which made Bucky burst out laughing. "I'm sorry - it's just - here!" He said through his laughter. Sam upon hearing them walked in asking what was so funny before stealing a few cookies, Bucky swatted his hand away when he had finally stopped laughing.

After Bucky had told Sam about the trip, Sam grinned at Peter before stating, "I'm going to have so much fun." Ruffling Peters's hair and leaving the room. Peter stood pouting watching Sam's retreating figure.

"Sorry to interrupt but the boss wants to see you in the lab underoos." F.R.I.D.A.Y said. Peter nodded, "Thanks Fri." He said heading down to the lab.

"Hey, underoos." Mr Stark called as Peter entered the lab. "Hey, Mr Stark." Tony sighed, "how many times kid, its just Tony." He told Peter. "Okay, Mr Tony," Peter replied with a grin. Mr Stark playfully shoved Peter who shoved back. Tony smiled at the boy, "so you ready to update your suit?" He said. Peter nodded so hard, Tony was worried it might break, "right okay kid, calm down." He said whilst laughing. Peter blushed and stopped shaking his head. The pair worked for hours on the suit before Pepper finally dragged them out of the lab to eat.

Steve had tried to cook but as usual, he ended up burning the food, Peter had frequently told him 'you're as bad as may!' Causing everyone to laugh. They decided to get pizzas instead. Peter felt sorry for the delivery man who would probably have to make a few trips from his car just to deliver them all. I mean considering there was 2 super-soldiers, 1 'half spider' with increased metabolism, 2 Norse Gods and 6 others they did need a lot of people.

The team had decided to take pity on the delivery man, heading down to the lobby to bring the pizzas up themselves. Workers stared as they watched all the avengers and a teenage boy trail through the entrance hall to collect around 18 pizzas.

Peter was finishing off his second pizza and looking longing at the unopened pizza box on the table. Tony saw and handed the pizza over to Peter. "No Mr Stark it's alright, I've had loads already." Peter tried to tell him feeling bad. Tony wouldn't listen, "kid, I know you still hungry and you need to eat a lot more than usual, it's fine okay." He stated and shoved the box towards Peter. Peter muttered an "Okay." And the team smiled at the adorable teen in front of them, yes even Nat and Loki.

After they had all eaten, Peter turned to Tony and pulled a slip of paper, "um I need you to sign this, but with May's signature of course." (Even though Tony technically had legal guardianship over Peter, the school still had May as Peters guardian, so they had to forge her signature, with her permission of course.) Tony took the slip from Peter, when he had read it he started laughing, "only you kid, only you." Peter sunk in his seat, 'it's not funny!" He said. "What happened?" Steve asked. "Pete here has a trip to Stark Towers." The team shook with laughter at Peters situation, collectively deciding that they were all going to tease him about it. Once they had all calmed down. Tony handed the form to Loki who used magic to forge May's signature. "Thanks," Peter said with fake enthusiasm, taking it from Loki and half running to his room.

A/N. Feel free to give constructive criticism etc and if you have an requests send me a message or comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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