Untitled Part 1

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            The sun burned brightly in the cloudless sky. Birds sang their melodious song and bees hummed around the fully blossomed sea of rainbow colored flowers. I sat with my friends, Tucker and Sam, by the dazzling, lake enjoying the last of our summer vacation. It’s the first day of August in the year of 2006. Meaning I would be a fourteen year old going into high school. My name is Danny and I live in a family of ghost hunter’s. My parents have always loved ghost, sometimes I think they love ghosts more than me, and spend most of their time in their lab creating weapons, while making a ruckus. Today was especially noisy, so I decided to call Tucker and Sam and ask if they wanted to go to the park.

            “Parents being loud again?” Sam asked with a giggle.

            “Yeah, I think they’re working on some big, new project. From what I hear, it’s a portal to some kind of ghost dimension.” I say blandly.

            Sam’s eyes grow as big as plates and gain a childish twinkle. “Oh, no. We are not going to sneak down to my parents’ lab and try the portal out.” I knew that look. It was the let’s-be-trouble-makers look.

            “Oh, come on, Danny. We’ll be careful.” Tucker butts in. Great, now both of them were ganging up on me. I felt small; my friends had trapped me like a cat had a mouse. The two of them were as stubborn as mules; they would go no matter what I said. Now it was a matter of if I was in or not.

            “Fine, whatever!” I stated submissively.

            “Yes!” Sam and Tucker got up quickly and started wildly jumping about. It wasn’t a moment later that I realized they were already skipping merrily down the path leading to my house.

            “Wait for me,” I cried out loudly and speed off to meet them.

            When we arrived at the lab an odd stench filled my nose. It smelled of rotting jams and fresh fish. The air was muggy and heavy, almost as if the very sky was coming upon me. We moved around the room looking at the various glowing substances and deadly looking weapons made to stun, burn, or blast any ectoplasmic life forms. I lead the way into the back of the room, cautious so I wouldn’t alert my parents that I was trespassing into their lab. Once we reached the back I heaved a sigh of relief. No parents, just one huge, empty hole in the wall with wires scattered messily around and in the portal.

            I turned toward Sam and Tucker who followed closely behind me, “This is it.”

            “Whoa.” Their mouths were open so wide I thought they might fall off. Both stood staring intently at the dull space and probably would have stayed there for eternity if I hadn’t said something.

            “Are we all done here, because I’m really not supposed to be here.” I urgently gesture to the stairs, “Besides, my parents say it doesn’t work anyway.”

            “All the more reason to check it out. It’s not like we’re going to get hurt, you said it yourself, it doesn’t work,” Sam goes on ignoring me, “Who knows what awesome, spooky creatures might lurk on the other side.”

            Tucker spoke up. “Oh, Danny! Danny! We should all take a picture in front of it. You know, for memory’s sake.

            “No way!” I look sternly at them.

            They both got down on their knees and clung tightly to my legs as children do when they want an expensive toy. “Please! Please!” I refused to budge, “Please! Pleasepleasepleaseplease! Pleeeeaaasse! ”

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