Chapter 29

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Donald went into Charlene's room without knocking. He'd waited until everyone was gone.

Charlene was awake but very tired. She'd had to give massive amounts of blood for Marcy to see why she was so sick. She turned when she heard steps on the floor and saw her little boy again. "You came back!"

He nodded once.

She lay limp. "You've come to tell me you hate me and you're glad I am dying."

"My Roadrunner won't let you die."


"Dr. Chang."

She gleaned two things from that. He was close to his offspring and he wasn't denying her view. "You probably wish death for me."


"Because I was a horrible mother." Did he not hate her?

"I know that. I meant why were you a horrible mother."

She gulped. "I- I am sorry."

"Sorry? That's your excuse?"

She grew afraid at the fury in his slate eyes. She found herself spilling the truth. All of it. "I was a first generation American and I was born near the turn of the century. Things were different back then. I was different back then.

I was vivacious and fun and smart. My parents were proud of me even though I was unconventional." She teared up at the thought of her beloved parents and how she'd behaved towards them. "They loved me.

But the first time I saw Easy, I fell head over heels in love. One look was all it took. He had his rakish smile and carefree attitude."

Donald raised a brow because his father never smiled around him.

"He'd just come from the island and was determined to make something of himself in the "new world". Everyone warned me about him. Said that he was no good and headed for the gallows.

But I didn't listen. I was foolish. I was convinced that they didn't know him like I did. My parents begged me to stay away from him and renounce him. They would overlook the fact that I was no longer virtuous.

But I didn't want anyone that wasn't him. I packed my things and went to stay with Easy. When I got pregnant with Lorena, he finally married me. Then he showed his true colors.

Everything they said about him was true and I let it affect me to the point that I turned into him. I was too ashamed to return to my parents and I blamed you children when none of you asked to be born.

It wasn't fair and it wasn't right. I am truly sorry."

Donald sniffed, unsure if he should be affected.

Since he didn't say anything, she wilted. "I wish I could say that I changed as soon as you disappeared but I did not. Easy died ten years ago. I saw him for who he was and who I was. It was too late for him. Now it's too late for me."

"What'd he die from?"

"Some form of cancer. I do not know the body part."

"Did he suffer?"



"You don't mean that."

"I don't?"

"You were my good boy. You would never mean something so-"

"Base?" He lifted a brow.


"I meant it."

She bowed her head because that meant he'd changed. "We ruined you."

"You did."

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