she's gone......

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Have you every wanted to go to an anime world? Same.

I always loved this one girl. She always talk about japan and about her favorite anime. I never talk to her I was boring to talk with. Since I'm new in school noone wants to be friends with a newbie.
Then a girl stand in front of me and asked my name. It's was the girl I liked. I stod up and went to the restroom shaking. I think for a minute "did she just talk to me? She touched my hand it was warm and gentle like the sun". I washed my face and went back to class.

I saw her sitting on my desk. She saw me comming back to class so she stood up and smiled at me. I flashed red and froze. She went up to me and pulled me to my seat. "Hmm are you alright you're bright red do you have a fever?" She asked waving her hand at my face to seem I'm ok. "Ha-AHH! YES! I'M ALRIGHT!" I shouted everyone looked at me. "Did the new kid just shouted? What an idiot haha" i heard their wispers. That was embrassing I'm an idiot to this school.

"HEY WAIT HEYYYY!" She shouted running after me. "Wait the goddamn minute you idiot !!" She shouted again then I stopped. "EXCUSE ME WHO ARE CALLING AN IDIOT IDIOT?!" Then we fighted about it.
She took a deep breath "CAN I GET YOUR NUMBER?!!" She shouted again.....goddamn my ears hurt. "Chill I'm not deaf my ears hurt already". "Oh-Ohh I'm so so sorry I'm an energetic person" she said. "I can see that" i replied. "Can we exchange number/info???" She asked while grabing my hand.

"Please I wanna get to know you!" She beg and beg until i gave my number to her. "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH I'LL TEXT YOU ALRIGHT!" she hugged me after that and wnet home. I went home and went to the bathroom seeing myself all red. Went to my room feeling dizzy. I took out my phone out my bag and someone messaged me. An unknown number "This must be her". The message was "Come to the park at 7:00 see you <33". I went to the bathroom and took a bath and got ready.

I went out and went to the park asap. Exaclly 7:00 i saw her sitting on a bench with a beautiful sunflower dress. She was beautifull. She saw me standing and waved. "Over here hehe!" She said. I went over and sat beside her. "Why did you want me to come here?" I asked. "Eh? You seem nice and cool to talk to" she answered. She layed her head on my shoulder. It's so warm I blacked out at that moment. "So what do like?" She asked. "Um-umm i like books mostly I read". I replied.

"COOL! I LIKE READING TOO!" she said fully of energy. "Oh what kinda books you like? Drama Romance Action?" I asked. "I read manga like anime stuff but I like romance and friction!"she said. "That's nice" i said.
She pulled out a necklace out of her pocker and gave it to me. "Here take this so you can remember when the days go by" she smiled so sweet and gentle. An blink of an eye she was gone. I panicked a stuned I take a look at my phone and her number was gone. "Where is she?!" I ran called the police they went looking for her.

But there's no sign of her anywhere.....

I went home tried and depress. I went to bed and cried. What if she's not real? What if this just a dream? I cried myself to sleep holding the necklace she gave me. "Where are you.....Ayra"

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