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some things in life were simple. there was a problem, a solution, and the human mind ran to that hope of solving the issue until nothing was wrong anymore. things like toothaches, broken phones, or perhaps a car breakdown. these were fixable, and rather easily so.

but not everything was as straightforward as these. sometimes emotions got stirred into the mix and chaos, creating an even larger catastrophe than what was there to begin with. in this story's case, the whole problem was completely down to communication and feelings. or lack thereof, really.

"hah....ngh," renjun whined as his back slid against the wall of his living room, strong hands holding him up under his thighs as well as the most warm and addictive lips latching to that weak point between his collarbone and neck. "jaemin...th-there~"

it was dark out, probably due to the late hour of twelve p.m. everything seemed even more surreal and blurred than it usually would during the day, and the cityscape peeking in through the lazily drawn blind by the window shone small beams of light over the space.

in an apartment complex, it was easy to imagine that pretty much everyone was doing something different. be it a journalist in number 345 writing up her scoop for next week's deadline, a crazy cat man watching horror films with his persians curled up on his lap in apartment 190, or even the passionate yet semi-heartless sex that went down every weekend in number 560. that was this room, with both an artist and a baker-in-training.

"mhm...shit," jaemin uttered lowly, thrusting easily into his partner whom he knew the best. their bodies were practically synchronised at this point, and every sweet spot, every desire each had was known between them. so every time the younger shoved in at a slight angle to abuse a specific pile of nerves he was well-acquainted with, renjun would tighten up around his length and make sure to push back down on it out of knowledge that he liked this. "you're so perfect," the raven-haired male muttered absentmindedly.

"ugh, nana," the older cried as his initially idle hands shifted from the boy's shoulders to lacing one through his dark hair and the other down to pleasure himself simultaneously with each thrust. "i'm close..."

"hold on," jaemin insisted as he pushed his chest up against renjun's and trusted the coco-brunette to wrap his legs around his hips as he roughly pinned the boy's wrists to the wall. his pace only increased in speed, the movements sending the chinese art student closer to the edge as he threw his head back in bliss and felt every imperfection of his wallpaper rub against his exposed lower back. the massive, knitted sweater hanging on for dear life to his frame was shifting and rising up his body as he was pounded into.

"fuck, jaem! n-now....please..." he struggled against the other's restrictive grip unknowingly, wanting to claw at his toned back, or tousle that incredibly damp and gorgeous hair. the item of clothing rubbing against the boy's hot skin felt so irritating yet good, like he was being teased.

"let me paint you," the younger whispered sensually against his ear, making renjun whimper needily and nod. then, the taller pulled out and carried the male past the easels standing randomly within the living area, past the misplaced palettes littered with paints and towards the small wooden table the artist kept near him while he worked. jaemin was no painter, but both agreed he could make a complete masterpiece out of renjun when he wanted to.

laying him down on the piece of furniture, he reentered the smaller and started to mercilessly fuck into him again to pull them closer to their highs. the brunette brought his hands up and took jaemin's in his, placing them over his neck where the younger knew to apply pressure.

"for someone so cold and unsociable," the ravenette taunted, choking the boy as he followed the knot in the pit of his stomach and gave it one last burst of energy to release, "you are one heck of a slut."

"ack...fuck!" renjun cried, stray tears streaking past his ducts and dripping down his cheeks and onto the table. he felt so good, and only jaemin could make him feel this way. other people just hadn't been good enough.

with that, the overwhelming stimulation and teasing of their orgasms, the older moaned with a prolonged, desperate drawl of the other's name, hips spasming as he released over his flat stomach and continued to take jaemin's rough actions.

"so good," the taller panted, pulling out and sliding his hands along his dick two or three times before doing as he promised; painting the gorgeous boy splayed out for him in white strings of salty liquid. "look at you. a pretty painting."

"ngh...that was..." renjun tried to speak, but the heaving of his lungs and shaking of his hands and thighs were more pressing than verbalising that he enjoyed the sex. "thank you..."

"no problem," jaemin chirped cutely and immediately reached for a tissue laying around (that probably had dry paint on it) and removed most of the mess from himself before zipping back up. "want a shower?"

"fuck that. let's just go to bed..."

"okay," the younger nodded shortly before clumsily trying to pick the male up again in his now weak arms and bringing him to the bedroom. he didn't live here, but this apartment felt like home for the most part. every weekend, and occasionally some weekdays, he'd visit to check up on renjun and ensure he was looking after himself. not only that, but everyone had needs...the older's were just weekly it seemed.

"will you be staying over tomorrow?"

jaemin hummed softly, not actually sure. he had a life to lead as well...but it was clear that often renjun forgot that. he always put everything on hold for this man.


because he was stupidly, ironically, painfully and helplessly in love with him. all the rules they'd set in place when this arrangement had first began went down the dark drain pretty quickly for one of them, but not the other. it appeared that the brunette was somewhat detached from his feelings, and that was the only way to describe his stone-cold behaviour.

"stay," renjun whispered as they lay down together in the darkness and curled up close. for all the world, they were a couple without being a couple. no love, just lust. but there were all the beautiful in-betweens as well that they shared.  

jaemin hated that sometimes.

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𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴; renminWhere stories live. Discover now