Chapter 1

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Chester High, the prison for all teens within a 100 mile radius. It was a gigantic old brick building that was built in the eighties. To make things worse it hadn't had a remodel since, other than the student parking lot. A couple of years ago the city finally decided to expand the parking lot because of the increase in new students. The school in the next town over shut down sending all of the aggravated teenagers to Chester High. This was also the year Jessi Owens went missing.

It was a big case that still hasn't really been solved. Jessi was the ultimate top dog, she had everything. It was a shame to see someone that powerful fade into a mystery. Many people cried but mainly just her family and close friends. In all honesty people only liked her for her wealth. In a few months the case was finally closed, because it was almost certain the killer would never be found. This did scare the town a little but like everything, it slowly faded away. That night Jessi was at one of her big all nighter parties. Boys, booze, music, sounds like a great night right? It was until Jenna was never to be seen again. Her body was never found but most people justly assumed she was murdered by an out of town stranger that randomly showed up to the party.

It was huge parties like those that Lisa absolutely hated. They were too loud and involved a lot of bad ideas. It just wasn't for her, she preferred pulling an all nighter watching American Horror Story rather than waking up half naked at a strangers house. But Lisa was alright with that plus, she had other things to worry about than the next big party. Lisa was finally starting high school.

So there she was just standing there in front of the big heavy doors. It was exactly 7:30 and the custodian should be opening the doors any minute. Lisa had waited all summer for this moment. Her blue eyes gleamed with excitement as she patiently tapped her foot to an unknown beat. She had woken up especially early to make sure everything was perfect. Hair straightened, teeth brushed, outfit matched. It was one big dream to start high school that had finally come true. Lisa inspected herself in the reflection of a window near by. As she adjusted her white vintage tee and faded denim jeans she heard some guys whistle at her. Of course it was Randy and his crew. She brushed her dark chestnut hair out of her face and rolled her eyes. They always have been a bother to Lisa ever since kindergarten. The brown headed boy walked over slowly while smiling. Lisa shifted uncomfortably, didn't they have anything better to do?

"Hey hot stuff", he grinned. "What do you want?", Lisa sneered back, she was tired of his taunting. "Oh come on I was just gonna say that I missed you this summer." His brownish reddish hair fell gently on his face.

"Yeh right, I'm sure you were way too busy getting high." Lisa smiled to herself. As much as she hated him she couldn't help but have a little fun. "I'm ashamed that you would think that I Randy Hills would actually do something like that. I'm so innocent remember?" He joked back. Soon enough he walked back over to his group of friends.

It was now 7:38 she guessed the custodian was late. What was a empty parking lot was now filled with new students awaiting the big reveal of the school. At 7:45 they opened the doors to heaven or hell as some people called it. On the other side of the doors it was like a whole new world. It was gigantic unlike the tiny middle school down the road. This was Lisa's trip to freedom, only four more years.

The bell rang for lunch at precisely 12:15. The whole day had gone by really well for Lisa. So far all they had accomplished is getting to know everyone's name and favorite color. But that was still very helpful to Lisa and the social structure. When she walked into the cafeteria she expected something out of a movie where there's all different groups. 
But surprisingly nobody stood out, everything was normal for once.

"Lisa! Lisa!" She looked over to her left only to find her three best friends, Eli, Jenna, and Roy. Lisa practically ran over to the table. Eli jumped up from the table to give her a big hug. Lisa was glad that she finally was reunited with everyone, she had all classes with strangers.

After hugging each of them, they all finally sat down with relief. "Well how are you guys?" Lisa shouted in excitement.

"I'm great! How about you?" Eli said with a smirk across his lips. "Well thanks for considering the rest of us!" Jenna exclaimed. Lisa giggled quietly at Jenna's remark. Jenna was a wild red head that had just moved to their town last year. Her spunky personality matched perfectly with her outward appearance she always had vibrant colored streaks in her hair. She was the reckless one everyone warns you about.

Eli was a different story, with his naturally blonde hair swiftly placed below his ear. Eyes bluer than the ocean that captivated anyone he looked at. Everyone loved Eli, he was so compassionate towards others. Many came to him for advice and ideas, he was a writer after all.

"But seriously though, how many times were your grounded in your room this summer?" Roy joked playfully. Lisa smiled and with a eye roll stated, "A lot." Roy had moved from Florida in fifth grade and had been bullied for loving books and acing all his classes. Luckily once he met Eli and Lisa most kids left him alone, because he was actually pretty cool.

"So what did you guys do all summer?" Jenna asks while popping a chip into her mouth. "Um lets see, I skied in Montana, rode jet skis in Florida, and climbed a mountain in Arkansas. How about you, Lisa?" Eli asks approvingly.

Lisa cracked a smile before replying. "Well as you guys know I was home all summer like always. But I volunteered at the animal shelter and that was fun." She gave a puny grin and as she was expecting, they all laughed. "That's it? Nothing else? No sneaking out? Or what about the wild parties? No boys?" Jenna was firing out questions in complete shock.

Lisa laughed out loud. "No! Of course not, you know me. I could never do something like that." Jenna smirked in agreement. "Well I had a fabulous summer." Roy butted in, "I finished two whole book series, beat my level on Mario cart and went to visit my grandma back home."

Soon enough the bell rang for lunch to be over and that was the end. Lisa felt good and had a little more confidence now that she found her friends. She was headed for her 5th period room when Jenna came rushing through the crowd toward her. "Lisa! Lisa wait!" All she saw was a mob of curly red streaked hair speeding down the hall. When Jenna finally made her way to Lisa she was panting very hard.

Lisa was confused and rushed over to her side. Laughing she pulled Jenna into the bathroom. "Oh my goodness what?!" She shouted half annoyed half entertained. "Ok so I forgot to tell you but there's a huge party this weekend and I want you to come." Jenna spit the words out fast and waited to hear Lisa's reply.

Immediately Lisa sighed and rolled her eyes. "You know I hate parties." Jenna frowned a bit before saying, "Yes but this is different, your finally in high school. Don't you want to celebrate? Plus a senior is throwing it!" Her voice got really high to express her excitement.

Lisa looked around to buy her some time. The bathroom was plain tile, nothing special. Kind of like her, Lisa thought. She really didn't like parties because so many bad things could happen. But it was high school, so yolo right?

"Yes." Lisa blurted out, "I'll go." 

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