Chp 1. The Booming Doom

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It was a bright day for the people of Silver Hills. At the clocktower, Trip, Katie and Lucas were getting ready for their breakfast. The alarm rang and while trying to shut it off, Wes rolled over and fell off his bed. A drowsy Wes stood up and his eyes scanned the scene.

“What are you guys doing, up so early?....” asked Wes, who was still half in sleep. “And where's Jen??” he asked further after seeing that the leader girl was nowhere in sight.

“Practice…. As usual,” said Katie, snatching the glass of juice that Wes had picked up to drink, from his hand and sipping it.

Meanwhile at a park, Jen was busy practising some fight moves on a huge tree. With every punch and kick, her power increased and every time she saw Ransik's face, taunting at her, her anger rose which made her moves even harder.

Finally, she stopped and leaned against the tree, breathing heavily and sweat dripping down her chest. Tired, she sat down to take some rest, opened her water bottle and drank some of the water left in it. Then, she removed her gloves, which made her engagement ring visible, shining due to the bright sun rays falling upon it.

Jen looked at the ring as tears started welling up in her eyes. The flashback started and reminded her about Alex, her fiancé, about the good times they spent together, and then how Ransik brutally killed the former Red Ranger mercilessly in front of her eyes. “Alex…” she whispered, lost in the moment for a while.

That's when Wes arrives there, running around while searching for Jen. He sees her sitting on the ground and leaning against the tree, lost in thoughts.

“Hey! Good morning!” shouts Wes as soon as he sees Jen, who snapped out of her thoughts upon suddenly hearing Wes's call. She gets up and starts wiping off her sweat hastily, as Wes walks towards her. “So you want someone to work out with, cuz I bet I'm tougher than that tree.” said Wes in a taunting tone.“Come on, I bet I can show you a thing or two. Huh? Come on,” he said trying to make a move on Jen, who was still wiping off the sweat.

“Really?” asked Jen, amused. “Yeah!” exclaimed Wes and tried to land a punch on her face. But Jen was too quick for him, and she blocked his punch and single handedly flipped Wes to the ground, almost breaking his back.

As a groaning Wes lay down on the ground, Jen went up to him, trying not to seem quite angry or irritated and said in a most genuine manner, “Someday, if you'll get up early enough, maybe you could keep up with me.” Saying so, Jen picked up her belongings and left for the clocktower, leaving a kinda disappointed and thoughtful Wes behind.

“What's the matter with her? Why can't she be nicer with me?” thought Wes. Of course it seemed that he was starting to fall in love with the Pink Ranger. He just wanted a way to get her attention towards him, which wasn't so easy, as Jen still kept thinking about Alex. Then he got up and made his way back to the clocktower.

At the clock tower, Katie and Lucas were busy watching a movie, Trip was fixing some tech problems in a broken cell phone while Jen was trying to find more information about the city and how she could capture Ransik. Wes walked in with a cotton candy in his hand and some of it stuffed in his mouth. Seeing everyone so busy, he went and sat down upon a chair while finishing the rest of his cotton candy.

Once he finished eating, Wes picked up the newspaper from the side table. Others were quite busy in their work when suddenly they got startled as Wes yelled out, “ Hey!! Did you guys see this! There's a new amusement park that's been opened at the Silver Hills City Square! We surely need to visit it!”

“Amusement later, first we got some mutants to capture!” said Jen in a kinda commanding voice. “Oh come on! What's it with you? Ease up a bit. All you think about is fighting mutants and keep working all day long. Just chill for a bit, Ransik isn't gonna run away while we get to enjoy a bit!” retorted Wes.

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