The Rose

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You groaned at the light, scowling as a tall figure stood before your bed.

-Hmmmm... Who is it? What do you want?- you grumbled from down your sheets, not even glancing upwards. The moonlight shone through the balcony door, letting in enough light as for to help you identify the person standing before you.

-Ayato?! What the Hell are you doing here?! Do you know what time it is?!- you exclaimed, fully awake now at the sight of the redheaded vampire. A small pout appeared on his lips, his emmerald eyes looking away.

-I'm sorry it's just that... I had a nightmare, and I didn't know what to do so I came here.- he awkwardly said, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks. Your gaze softened, a smile appearing on your lips.

-It's okay. We all have nightmares from time to time.- you tried reassuring the vampire, sitting up in your bed. He looked at you with sadness, his face reminding you of an abandoned puppy. 

-What was it about?- you asked after a while, looking into his blazing green eyes. A pang of pain revealed in his pupils.

-C-Cordelia... She...- he couldn't even finish the thought, slosing his eyes as if it were too painful to even remember. You couldn't help but to melt, taking his hand in yours reassuringly. 

-It's okay Ayato-kun... She's gone. You're safe. I'm here. It's all gonna be alright...- you muttered the sweetest things you could think about, smiling at him with maternal love. He was so fragile... You craved to help him, erase the scars his mother had left on him. Poor child... If only you could do more for him...

-You know... You are truly someone special. Not only for your blood; for that matter, Yui is the best.- he started, locking his gaze in the balcony as the wind made it's courtains shiver and hollow. You patiently waited for him to continue, ignoring the slight annoyance when he compared your blood to Yui's.

-It's the way you care for all of us. I mean, you were brought here, to a house full of strangers, against your will. An yet... - he didn't finish his sentence.

-...I am like the mother that you deserved but never had.- you whispered, more to yourself than to him. Even though you were a year younger than him, it really did seem as if you were a motherly figure to Ayato, and the others of course. They just crawled at you like puppies, hungry for the love and affection that had been denied to them since little. It broke your heart. 

-Alright. Come here, I'll sing something for you. To help you sleep.- you sighed, getting up from the bed. Well, bye bye, beauty sleep. Looks like we're not seeing each other in some time.

-Really?- he asked doubtfully, sitting on the bed. You pushed your (H/C) bangs out of the way, giving him a smile. 

-Yeah.- you said, sitting in front of the piano you had asked Raito to help you put in your room. It was a beautiful old tailed piano, with cravings on the wood you just don't see around any more. The keys seemed to glimmer in the moonlight as you placed your fingers over them.

<<Some say love, it is a river... That drowns, the tender reed; 

Some say love, it is a razor... That leaves, your soul to bleed;

Some say love, it is a hunger... An endless, aching need;

I say love, it is a flower... And you, it's only seed...>>

You directed your smile towards him, only to find that he was no longer on the bed but at the piano beside you, staring at your fingers as you lovingly pressed the keys. You smirked, slowly letting your eyelids fall halfway.

<<It's the heart, afraid of breaking; that never, learns to dance...

It's the dream, afraid of waking; that never, takes the chance...

The Rose (English Version) Kanato Sakamaki X Reader Insert. //Diabolik Lovers//Where stories live. Discover now