Opinion on Perfection

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      Perfection is a construct of society used to describe something that isnt. Perfection, is something that is astonishing and meets everyone's standards. Everyones. That's why perfection is nonexistant.

       God, is not perfect. Hear me out first. If God was perfect, everyone would be following him and no one else. People wouldn't wish God was a woman instead or black instead. If God was perfection, everyone would be completely happy with who he was. Unless God has some sort of power in which He can go past the word perfect and force everyone to believe that was exactly who He was, then God, is not perfect.

       Society needs to stop saying things are perfect. Society needs to stop telling people they are perfect just the way they are. If that person who hates themselves is perfect, than why would they hate themselves? They would have everything they needed.

       Perfection, does not exist.

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