Chapter One

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Emily's POV

Hi! My name is Emily and I live in an orphanage I'm 16 and I'm not normal. I'm a vampire. I know what you are thinking how can a vampire live in an orphanage full of humans without going crazy? Well I have my own room because I am the oldest here and I only drink animal blood. I hope I get adopted one day soon tho because it would be nice to try and be normal.

"All girls ages 13 and up come down we have some people looking to adopt one of you. Dress nice." Mrs. Nance the person who runs the orphanage calls from downstairs. I decided I am going to listen to her so I put on a pair of turquoise skinny jeans and a black blouse and flip-flops that have black flowers on it.

I walked down the stairs and I automatically hear girls screaming I walk to the lobby and I see one direction. "Oh great" I mutter under my breath. "OK girls line up and be good the boys may want to talk to you. Emily be nice!" She said the last part in a playful tone. "Hey I'm nice... most of the time" she started laughing at my comment.

I went and sat down at a table by the stairs then I see that Harry and Niall where coming over to me. "Hey why are you sitting over here all on your own?" "I don't know I just wanted to sit somewhere that there is not a bunch of screaming fangirls." As I finish my sentence the rest of the boys walk over. "Hey guys who is this?" Liam asks as he sits down beside me. "We have not gotten that far yet so what is your name?" "My name is Emily." "What do you like to do Emily?" "I like to sing, play violin, prank people, eat, and keep people out of trouble that they should have never been in in the first place." "OK cool how long have you been here?" "Ten years." As I continue on my conversation with Niall the rest of the boys walk a couple feet away and get in a huddle.

Harry's POV

Me and the boy all huddle up "that's the one, we need to adopt her." Liam stated we all agreed with a nod of the head. "OK then it's settled let's go. Louis tell Mrs. Nance that we are adopting Emily the rest of the boy let's go help Emily pack her bags.

Emily's POV

All of the boys are coming back except Louis he is walking to Mrs. Nance I think I am getting adopted. "OK Emily let's go pack your bags packed." Liam says. I got up and started jumping up and down like a little girl. "Wait are you fangirling on us now are you?" Harry says with that stupid smirk on his face. "No but I have been here for ten Damn years so I am excited. Now follow me and you can help me pack my purse." they all busted out laughing as they followed me up to the last door at the end of the hall with a do not enter sign "should we even be going in here" Liam asks giving me an unsure look. "Well I hope so this is my room after all." I say as I open the door. All my room has in it is a bed nightstand and a dresser oh and a bathroom. I walk over to my nightstand and get my purse then go to my dresser and pull out my four outfits and put them in my purse and then to the bathroom and get my toothbrush and toothpaste then my hair brush and went back to the boys. "Is that all you have?" "Yes I'm an orphan I don't have a lot." "OK I am taking you shopping tomorrow for more cloths." Niall says as we walk down the stairs.

"Bye Emily I hope you have a good life and try to stay out of trouble." "OK Mrs. Nance." We walk to the door then Liam turns to me "OK there are fans and paparazzi out there just ignore them and walk to the limo" "ok" and with that we walk out of the doors and we are surrounded by screaming fans and paparazzi asking questions. I walked to the limo and got in and shut the door. I could feel the blood boiling inside me. I look at my reflection in the window and see that my eyes are red. I close my eyes shut tight because the boys open the door and get in "what's wrong emily" "nothing" I reply through gritted teeth. I can feel my body going back to normal so I open my eyes. "Look guys I am going to tell you guys now and please don't take this as a threat but me being here is putting y'all in danger but I will protect you even if it means me dieing." By then I feel a tear escape my eyes. "What do you mean that we are in danger what is going on." Liam asks with a stupid smirk on his face like he doesn't believe me. "I will show you when we get to the house and once I show you, you'll probably want to send me back and will probably be scared of me but I completely understand."

*******Skipping the boring car ride**********

We get to the house and I get out and look at it and holy shit this is not a house this is a mansion "come on let's go in and you can tell us what you where so scared to tell us." I follow Liam into the house and we walk down this hallway and into the living room "ok people sit down on the couch." They sit down on the couch "ok you have two choices I can either tell you the whole story or I can get to the point." "Tell us the whole story if you can." "OK well when I was five my dad started raping me when I wouldn't do what he wanted he would beet me and tell me that I was just a worthless excuse for a person one night I tried to run and he caught up to me then raped me and when he was done with that he beat me till I almost died I went into a coma for three weeks he got taken to prison for life and the cop that arrested his was not normal... he was a vampire while I was laying in the hospital bed in a coma he came and turned me because the doctor said I would never wake up or at least that is what he said the real reason that he turned me was because he wanted me to kill humans for him and when he found out that I wasn't doing it he beat me and so I ran away and Mrs. Nance found me and I lived at the orphanage ever since." By the time I was finished I was crying the boys where crying and hugging me. Wait what they are hugging me I just told them that I am a monster and they are hugging me. "Um... guys what are you doing?" "We will never send you back we promise." Liam says through sobs. "But wait you said you like to eat does that mean...." "No Niall what I meant by that was that I like to eat human food because I think it is funny how I can eat everything on the plant and still be hungry plus not gain weight from it. You should see me eat I can eat more than Niall." They all looked at me smiling "What it's true." Niall looked at me with his serious face on "challenge accepted!" "OK where is the kitchen?" They pointed me in the direction of the kitchen and I vampire speeded all the way to the kitchen.

They finally got to the kitchen and all looked amazed "What I was just running" "Yea we know imagine us trying to catch up to you." "Yea I would say let's race but I have an eating contest to win! Let's eat!"

******Skipping contest***********

"OK you proved you can eat more than Niall now what do you want to do?" "Well I am going out to eat y'all are staying here." "Why can't you just go steal some blood from the hospital? I don't want you to get hurt in the woods." "Well since you are my father Lou, I will explain this as your daughter and not a blood thirsty vampire. I don't want to hurt you and if I get the taste of human blood in my mouth then I may come after y'all and I don't want to hurt you and there are two more reasons I don't want human blood one: human blood is terrible I hate the taste and two: too high of a risk of getting diseases from humans." "Wait so you don't drink human blood?" "No dad I don't, just the thought of it makes me want to puke. Oh and Harry stop thinking like that" all the boys turned and looked at Harry he just stood there grinning like a jack ass. "Wait how did you know?" "I have special powers I can control minds hear what people think control fire water.... oh and I can move stuff with my mind and heal people." "Really let's see it." "OK what do you want me to burn, flood, heal, or move?" "Move me across the room" Harry spoke up. "No I can't, I am afraid I won't be able to control it and I don't want you to get hurt." "Just do it I trust you besides if you hurt me you can just heal me." "Ok" and with that I move my hand just a little bit and Harry goes flying across the room so I run vampire speed across the room and stop him before he hits the wall "Oh my gosh Harry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that I promise it will never happen again I promise. And I'm hungryyyyyyyyyyy."

"Because I'm your dad can you at least let me take you to the woods and drop you off." "Are you even going to give me a choice?" "No so let's go" we start walking to the door and Harry speaks up "can we go too" "I would rather you not but I have a feeling you aren't asking you are telling so let's go before I starve to death because I haven't eaten in three weeks."

*******Skipping car ride*********

"How long will this take?" "Well dad I have to find something and eat it so about a minute give or take a few. I am gone" and I got out of the car and speeded off into the woods about a mile into the woods I tripped over what I thought was a tree but when I turned around I saw a vampire one that I knew my brother...

Authors Note

This is the first chapter of my first book I know it is terrible sorry.

Secret Author

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