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Present day
"Wait, so you can change your clothes whenever you want?" Kristin exclaimed.
"Yes, but only to my Elsaba outfit and back to what i was wearing before," Elizabeth answered.
"What is your Elsaba outfit?" Idina inquired.
Elsaba stood up, knowing they would only beg her to show them anyway.
Slowly, in a mesmorizing mannor, her simple black sweats seem to join together, forming the bottom of a knee length dress, her blue and green t-shirt faded black and black boots appeared on her feet, causing little of her legs to show. Her hair braided itself and a witch hat plopped down on her multi-colored hair. The dress grew a long black cape, and in a flash, blue sparkles covered the dress. Her skin seemed to get a little lighter, but only one thing could return it to its original, paler state.
"Woah!" Kristin whispered.
Idina was speechless. She walked around the girl, looking at the complexity of the dress, the way some sparkles look blue at one angle, and white at another.
"Have you alwayd been able to do this?" Idinda asked.
"Just since i've learned to control my powers," Elsaba answered.
"It's gorgeous," Idina came around the front and saw a best friends necklace. It had half of a heart and a little witch hat charm.
"You look beautiful," Kristin said. "I mean, not just now, but always."
Elsaba blushed, causing a hint of pink to show on her cheeks.
"Pink goes good with green," Kristin laughed, causing more pink to appear.

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