You made me HATE my own reflection

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All my life, I've seek-ed to please you.

Only you.

And what do I get?

For you to tell me

That I'm ungrateful.

That I'll NEVER make it far in life.

You've seen me grow up from a fighter to to a troublesome child that needed an attitude adjustment.

Always fighting the world.

You've tried to craft me into somthing that I didn't want to be.

You told me to get real and open my eyes and see this world is a cruel place.

When really.

The only place that was cruel..

Was in your arms.

No matter what I did. Nothing was ever good enough for you.

You hated EVERYTHING that I loved.

You even made me HATE my own reflection.

I caused self harm to myself.

You hated my friends, passions loves. Everything.

You might as well hate all of me because anything I love you will never accept.

I guess I will NEVER BE what you want me to be.

And you know. I'm OK with that.

I'm not living for you.

I'm living for MYSELF.

No one should live for anyone else.


and themeselves alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2013 ⏰

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