Just The Way You Are (A Ptv fanfic)

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Chapter 1
Danielle's P.o.v

"Do you know the way to this new school? Because I wasn't paying attention." My older brother, Tony said. He was eating a banana carelessly as we walked down the street.

"Yeah, and don't leave me, I know how you are." I said to him. I was extremely shy and stayed away from people mostly. Tony, he had the whole entire school wrapped around his finger. It could of been his looks, but most likely it was his outgoing personality.

"Don't worry sis, I got you." He assured me and tossed his banana on the ground. I nodded my head relieved and together we made our way to the school.

When we arrived there I was amazed at how huge it was and let me tell you, there was a bunch of people just standing outside.

Together we walked to the administration office and they already had our stuff sitting on the desk. "I'm gonna go use the bathroom." Tony said then dissapeared.

"If you have any questions or concerns you can come to me and we can discuss them." The counselor said. I nodded my head at him.

"Thanks." I said but it barely came out of my mouth. I grabbed the textbooks that were mine, Tony could get his own and looked for my locker. There was a bunch of people in the hallway by their lockers. I gulped and made my way to mine, which happened to be next to a girl who had bright red hair. It was so bright I thought I was about to go blind. She had snake bites as well and what her ego seemed like, she was another Tony. She was talking to someone her back turned then she laughed backing up knocking down my textbooks. She turned around quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there." She said narrowing her eyes at me. "New here?" She asked me. I nodded my head and bent down to pick up my books.

"You don't have to do that." She said stopping me.

"But my b-" She cut me off calling a guy who was walking down the hallway.

"Pick up her books for her." She said crossing her arms at the boy to intimidate him. He did as she told and scooped up my books handing them to me. The guy glared at me before leaving.

"I could of did that myself." I said shoving my books in my locker grabbing the single notebook I had. She probably created an enemy for me. I knew how that stuff worked, I wasn't born yesterday. I remember where Tony's ruling over the school got me. Of course when Tony was around, I was always treated like him, but when he wasn't around. Aye aye aye.

"Kiersten flirting with the new freak already?" A guy who was extremely tall said showing up next to her. I wasn't a freak.

"She's aight."

"Oh no, I'm not gay." I said shaking my head at her. I didn't want to come off as it or anything, because I wasn't gay.

"Got something against gay people?" The taller boy asked crossing his arms. Oh lord, where's Tony when you need him. No you know what, I don't need Tony all of the time to hold my hand.

"No." I said boldly.

"Seems like it."

"Is there a problem here?" Tony asked setting his hand on my shoulder. Damn it.

"And who are you?" The tall guy asked.

"I'm Tony, girls brother. You're a little too close to her don't you think, back up a little would ya?" He said motioning with his hand for the guy to back up. The guy in return cocked his eyebrow, not intimidated by Tony at all.

"You know, I have a feeling you'll be cool, meet me by the lunch room doors." The guy said then walked away.

Well, I guess Tony will have no difficulties with this.

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