part 1 : humility

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(pictures for reference will be at end of the part!)

y/n flew through the air carrying their basket of fruits and flowers. they slowed the flutter of their wings and landed clumsily, squishing the moss under their toes. a sweet smell of cedar filled y/n's nose- aswell did the bountiful bunches of lavender, baby breath and eucalyptus that surrounds them as they neared their cottage. they followed the path leading to the front of the cottage, pushing open the rounded wooden door. a strong aroma of baking bread lingered in the room, causing y/n's stomach to grumble at the scent. they set the basket on the table that's in the midst of the kitchen/living room. ready to jump into action- they proceeded to open multiple cupboards till they found the peel for the brick oven. they shimmied it under the loaf and slid it onto the counter, eager for this well deserved, yummy snack. y/n glanced at the bread, then the basket, then the bread again picking off a tiny piece and popping it in their mouth. the bread practically melted in their mouth and they ascended.. no, literally their wings began to flutter, resulting in them bumping their head on the ceiling; bringing that feeling to an abrupt stop. "ouch!" y/n exclaimed, dropping to the ground scuffing their knee. they looked at the damage and decided it just needed a quick rinse. they walked to the wall facet, washing the scrape and then their hands. now.. they were ready. may the jam making commence!

y/n took the strawberries and raspberries to the wall faucet and began rinsing them off. dropping them one by one back into the basket. as they finished; they placed the basket of newly cleaned fruits upon the table again and grabbed a glass plate and a knife. they pulled up a chair to the table and began cutting the berries into itty bitty pieces. the berries emitted a sweet almost intoxicating scent that y/n had to stop themselves from eating it all right there. they stood up and lit the makeshift brick fireplace- setting a black skillet it ontop to preheat. the berries were put into the skillet along with an almost excessive amount of sugar and the ingredients began to melt into one. with the occasional stir- after 30 minutes the jam was ready and was poured it into a large mason jar to cool, (they also tried a spoonful to check for um..? poison!! *all clear!!*) then screwed the lid on tight and set it aside. the food was almost all ready and they were thrilled to share this treat with Adrian. she would absolutely love it! or so they hoped..

'dusk would be approaching soon so i just must, must, must invite her over soon! sooner than later because then; the bread would get stale.. and that's just a waste.' y/n swung open the door and jumped- their wings beat, matching the pulse of their fluttering heart. they dove and swooped throughout the trees and vines as the animals in the forest sang their sweet melodies. the forest is ultimate bliss and their home away from actual home. y/n saw Adrians house come into the near distance so they slowed down and hovered above a path of dirt and tiny mushrooms, deciding to take the rest of this trip on foot. above them was a flock of chickadees, moving as if in a perfect symphony. they returned their eyes to the path and began to walk, taking in their surroundings. even though they've taken this path plenty of times- it never gets old, it feels as if there's always some new creature, plant or creepy crawly every time.. this was the darker part of the forest, the part that y/n didnt venture into unless for Adrian;; it's not that their scared it's just that .. um,, okay- so it's a little scary but like?! thats reasonable; it's always dark, the animals are usually suuuper cranky and the trees always droop. 'okay anyways ! this will be suuch a good surprise.. hehe buttt let's just pick up the pace for now..'

y/n quickened their footsteps, trying to step as light as possible- for ultimate sneakiness. after 2 minutes on foot throughout some more rocky terrain they reached the front of their friends tree home. it's a twisted oak tree with a yard littered in orange snapdragon gifted from yours truly (y/n).. they knocked and tried to settle their nerves (and thudding heart), hoping that they weren't interrupting a special experiment or gnome knows what. their mind began to drift as they fidgeted with the hem of their sleeve.. 'hmm .. Adrian is truly so brilliant! she creates all of the interesting potions and reads all of these cool books aaand also dresses really ho-' the door opens, revealing a tall, tanned, serious looking figure. "Adrian!!!" y/n shouted, partially from embarrassment of letting their thoughts wander but also from the excitement of seeing one of their closest friends in the entire forest. "oh hey y/n! heh- what brings you here? it's getting quite dark out you goof!" Adrian scanned y/n's face for some context but to no prevail, y/n kept their eyes glued to their feet. "um- jam!! i made some jaaam and some really yummy bread" their words came out in a rushed slur, so trying to regain composure they took a deep breath and looked Adrian in the face. "and, uh *ahem* i was wondering if you would wanna taste test some jam n' toast with me.. it's homemade!" they grinned proudly with some of the newfound confidence at the astounded Adrian and she grinned right back. "that sounds lovely y/n, we should get a move on though; so we won't make it over too late." they nodded at Adrian as she stepped out and turned to shut the door. her back was facing y/n as she asked "but y/n.. why didn't you just send a pigeon? it would've been much easier than flying all the way out here.." she turned to face them once again, as the two locked eyes y/n's face began to fluster- embarrassed they swiveled their heels and began to walk down the path. "i- er- um- it's uh pigeon-take-a-break-day so yaknow.. i'm a real stickler for holidays!!" they chuckled, Adrian simply stared at the back of their head and stifled some major laughter bubbling under the surface.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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