Atheneyes... Daughter of Athena

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This is my first story, even though I'm mostly working on my second! Hope you like it!



Athena's P.O.V.-

"AHHH!" I screamed as I tried to push the baby through. I was tired and sweaty, but I had to get this baby through.It dragged me down beacuse of all the things I had to do, since i am the Goddess of War.

After about what seemed a thousande years, as you humans call it, I got it through. I was so happy, the baby was finally out of me, and it sure raised my burden!

The wierd man in white said, "It's a girl." I smiled widely. I soooo wanted a girl!

If you don't know, the wierd man in white is.... what is it called? Oh yes, a Doctor. Doctors are really wierd humans, pokin you with metal stuff. I would have blown him to pieces, cause' it was really annoying me, but I knew if I did that, it would my cover away.

My husband came in, with anxious hazel eyes, and his muscular hands twisting around. He knew I was the Goddess of War, but he didn't care. He loved me, and I loved him back.

"What is it?" he whispered in my ear, with the baby in my arms.

"It's a girl," I whispered back.

His eyes sparkled with joy. Oh yea, I forgot to tell you what his name is. His name is Austin Cruise.

Anyway, a few hours later, we arrived home. And guess who was there.

Zeus's P.O.V.-

"Athena, I thought we agreed that you would have NO children," I said.

"Oh Dad," Athena responded. "I couldn't help myself. I love him!"

My eyes flashed with anger. "You knew you weren't suppposed to!"

"Then how did you get me Dad? Tell me, I'm listening."

I then went hot with rage. "At least it was for a good purpose!"

"Well I have a purpose for having a daughter, so that I will actually learn to be happy!"

"You were happy with me!"

"Not with you always bossing me around!"

Fed up with my favorite daughter, I took out my bolts from my hiding place, and pointed them toward my granddaughter. "I will destoy her then." As I prepared to throw them, I heard a scream.


 Athena tackled me, and when I stoof, her spear was at my throat. "You will never hurt my family." she growled.

"And I will never give up trying."

She quickly said to the human, "Go Austin, and keep Atheneyes safe."

The human went to their mustang, and with the baby in one arm, soomed away with the baby who would never kno who her mother really was, the Goddess of War.


So what do you guys think? I kno it had a wierd beginning. xD.



LOVE IT! <33333333

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