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He woke up while panting. Holding his shirt with his hand he looked around with panical fear. All around him was dirt, old bottles, some rags and newspapers. Some steps to the right from him, lied open and some still closed cans. Few meters to the left was bucket, what had been used as toilet. Whole room stinked horribly. He was dirty and ill looking. Thing he had slept on, was nothing more than broken tarpaulin. Only light that was lighting the room was coming from the weak lightbulb that was in the sealing. Right in front of him, at the edge of the room, were stairs pointed upwards. Stairs were leading to massive door, what was impossible to open from inside. Place looked like a basement. But Tony had no idea how he had gotten there. Last thing he remembered was drifting to sleep in band bus while being completly clean and healthy. Then how he had woken up in this unknown basement in that state?

Forcing himself to calm down, he finaly put his cold logic and sober mind to work. Slowly reveawing his memories, he tried to understand, what may had happened. Tony didn't remember having any enemies. This took out of the suspicion all crimes that hapen because of the revenge. Day before falling asleep in band bus, he had talked to Mark. But his memories were so fogy that he weren't sure anymore if he had fallen asleep in the band bus or in a hotel. The band bus would have made the ring of possible culprits smaller 'cause number of people who could have actualy taken him from there was so small, that he could read all of the names on his own two hands fingers. That made less than ten possible criminals. Hotel would have been hopless but he wasn't even sure he had gotten there. They had a big tour going on and he remembered on that paticular night he had been so tired that almost instalny when he got into bus , he fell asleep. Normaly he would have celebrated well gone consert with others. And he hadn't stayed up late in the evening before 'cause day before the consert Mark had asked him to prepare because he knew it will come realy tiring and so hadn't gone to sleep late. Choosing cenario where he fell asleep in bamd bus, thinking logicaly he tried to undestand who would have the motive to do that and why. Suprisingly fast he came to conclusion, that nobody. Nobody had the motive to lock him in the basement. So he still had no ide who was behind that and why. And even less he knew wherehe was. Basement was only word he could think of to describe the place. This left him with only one course of action. To serach around in the room and wait to see what hapens next.

Things inside the basement were suprisingly bornig. The most intresting thing that someone steping inside , would have seen, was him. Compared to other things in the room, he seemed to come from another dimension. Some old house machines and funiture were thing giving company to things mentionited before. Whole place seemed like it was not used recetly. In other words abondoned basement where now Tony Chess was held capitive. Giving up circiling around the room, he spread out newspapers which were among other rubish. These were scrap. Tried to tell him that many years have gone by and he is dead. Newspapers made him feel so weird, that he closed them again and put them under rags again. Out of the eye so he could forget that sick joke somebody had made by printing thouse faulty news. He by all means was not dead and he himself was proof of that. Moreover many years going by was impossible. Tony refused to belive that. He just had fallen asleep and now woken up in this basement. In no way he had slept for almost four years. If he had done that he would surely have died already. However, he admitted that some time might have passed 'cause his skin would not have acquired that tone, if he would not have stayed there for some time already. But in every way, this time could not be four years.

Tormented by boredom, he searched to find a switch to turn off the lamp. To find it, he watched where the wires run out.  To his disappointment, they moved through the wall at the door, which meant that the switch was outside the basement. Door was supposed to open to the outside and was, like Tony already had suspected, locked. If it weren't so, he would already been gone from this outrageous place, with great ease. But as always things didn't go that easily. He always had to do things difficuly and seemed that this situation was not an exeption. Door didn't open even after pushing it hardly. Forshing his way out of there. Impossible. Firstly he had nothing to use in breaking the door open and secondly there was not even one too small window, what would have given him information of the surrounding area. Escaping without any information is always harder than when you have at least some information abot the area. He had learned that. Whole band had. No one explained why they were taught such things, but other bands seemed to have learned the same. Nobody thinked it was weird, so he hold his thoughts to himself. He had thinked it was weird, but now he was thankful, that he had been on that course. Not that it had helped him in this situation, but knowing that somethings can be done, helped him at staying calm. If not he would already have lost his mind with panic.

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