Diary of an ordinary girl #3

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You now when in highschool you start off with a big group of friends and then after a while you kind of branch off. Then after an even longer while you stop talking to some of them and it just becomes you and a hand full.
It sound terrible but looking back on it, there were way more fights and dramas when we were all together I still think of them all as my friends but now I just have closer friends that I make more of an effort to be with. Like organising meet ups and doing outside activities together, that sort of thing.
Some day I may never see any of them again but we still have some more good times to come. I mean as long as there all happy does it really matter if everyone's apart.
Friends break apart it's just life. All I now is that you have to let them go sometimes cause, well, nothing lasts forever and you have to let people be free.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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