The Death of My Parents

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POV: Rhyme

We were just heading back from the airport after carrying my best friend and her mom as fast as possible before they missed their flight, when my parents started an argument over me with my dating life, I mean who are they to choose when I must start dating people.

"Dare I think's she's ready to start dating people, stop treating her like she's still your little angle". said Mom.

That's right mom, dad always treats me as if I'm not responsible at all. My dad looked at me,

"Sorry honey! But that's how it is, to make sure my baby is safe from those little boy's; cause all they want to do is to put their hands in girls panties, girls like you, look at you your so beautiful I can't make any boy come and ruin your future, not at all honey, so the rules are still the same no dating until your 18 yrs old". said Dad.

But dad, I'm going to be 18 yrs old soon, Why can't I just starting dating people??

"Honey look out!!!!" said mom.

My Dad turned his head to look.....Screams!!!!!!!!!

What's going on, Dad?... Mom??

When I came to my senses I noticed that the car was sinking in a river, I quickly check to see if my parents were ok but tragically they were already dead, I quickly climbed to the back of the car and found a baseball bat, Wow! what's dad doing with this, I thought to myself as I tried to break the back window of the car, finally it shattered open and I quickly but safely got out of the car before it sank, luck me, the car wasn't too deep in the water, I swam across the river to shore were it was more safe.

While walking I glanced something in the bushes, It was my schoolbag and my mom's purse. I opened my schoolbag to fine my phone smashed in completely, I took my moms purse to find hers completely fine, how unfair, but I don't have time to be vex in the situation I am in right now. I took my moms phone to get help.

Shit! Its coded, wonder what's the passcode, my mom's name is Kemeisha, so lets try that, its not that what could it be, bingo its password= p@$$word, Mr. Statham,.....

"Hello, Good afternoon Mrs. Eilish"...

Hi this is her daughter, Rhyme, we just crash about 1hr ago, but my parents are dead and the car is sinking in the river but I manage to get out safely can you help me please.

"Do you know were you are"?

I'm not sure, but I'm walking along a path, oh there's a sign.

"Ok what does it say"?

It says Forest of Snakes.

"Ok, I know exactly were that is, I'll be there soon."

Ok, thank you.

Right as I end the call, the phone went blanks.

I didn't call the police cause I didn't know Where it was exactly before I saw the sign marked "Forest of Snakes." I just sat down waiting for someone to come by.

Hours past, but their weren't anyone or any sound around it was getting kind of dark, so I got up and started to walk along the path again, I was really scared to death and terrified, It was the first time that I was alone in a forest, error where ever exaclty

it was about 6:00pm when I heard a car swooping on a road; I followed the sounds of the vehicle that sounded like it was circling the area assuming that it was Mr. Statham. When I got on the road, I saw a black droptop slowly coming down the road; I walk out in the road and stopped it, as soon as the car stopped and the window went down I said;

Can you please help me!! My parents crash about 7 hours ago I got in contact with somebody over the phone but it seems as if that person can't make it or can't find this place, please help me!

"Are you Rhyme??" the person said in a kind of exhausted and fearing, but worried voice.

Yes I'm Rhyme. Who are you? The person sighed in relief saying "thank God I found you I'm Mr. Statham."

ok, I think the car is completely sank into the water now. "I tried calling but their was no answer," Yah about that, as I ended the call the phone went blanks. "Ok am going to call the police and they will get ever thing else that is need for you and your parents and the car." kl, Thanks, without you I wouldn't know what I would have done; he got out of the car and dialed 911...


"Hello, 911 what's you're emergency."

"hello a car crash about 7hrs ago, It was sinking, it must be completely sank now, their are three victims of the crash but 2 are dead and the girl manage to get out of the car before it sank completely." said Mr. Statham


Ok, we'll be on our way just stay calm and tell me where you are."

"where at Forest Of Snakes." said Mr. Statham


"OK, we're on our way just say and be calm, ok!"

" yes, we will thank you." said Mr. Statham, beep went the phone after those last words.

He shoved the phone into his back pouch, and looked at me and said, "their on their way, don't be scared or anything'"

I chuckled a bit and said , if I wasn't afraid to be out here on may own why would I be scare now!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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