I can also be a good boy sometimes

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There's one night,at the family of Nohara's,Shin-chan was lying in bed,ready to fall asleep,but with the sudden groaning in his stomach,that's how he ended up  sitting at the toilet pooping.He turned around but stopped when he saw his stool full of red liquid.

"WOOOOWWW"he yelled."Is that blood?"

"A-Am I sick?"He thought to himself as he walked down the hallway.

"How come he only has three days to live,he's just five!"

"I know but that's what the doctor said."the sound of his father came from the living room,alone with his mother's.

With curiosity,he peeked inside the room,his mom and dad were sniffling with the commercial playing at the front.

"Why did this has to happen to him?that's not fair at all!"his father cried.

"Even though it's sad,it's true!That kid will die sooner or later!"his mom was crying with her handkerchief in hand.

Upon hearing that,his legs had turned into jelly.'A-Am I going to die?'he thought.

After lying back to bed,he thought of what can he do in his only-three-day-lives.

"Hm,maybe......"he thought of buying all of the snacks by credit card,but didn't know how to carry all back home;or going on tv show to become famous,but didn't know the way to the tv station.

"Shin-chann!!"a soft female voice called from nowhere,he turned around to reveal that is his only crush,Nahnah-chan.

"Shin-chan,there's lots more can do in three days before you die,right?"

"Nahnaah-chan!!!"he cried with heart in his eyes.

"You have to be a good boy not only for your parent's but for your friends as well."

"Yes,I will!"he said and became to blushed.

"I really like you,shin-chan,you're really good."she cupped his face and slowly leaned onto it.

"Nahnah-chan"he pouted,ready for the kiss to come.

On the other hand,he actually fell asleep when thinking about that,so now shin-chan was sleeping with his limbs slightly twisted and a mouth pouting.

"Did he just dream about being an octopus?"his mom thought before shook him awake.

"Shin-chan,time to wake up"

"Oh,it's morning now."he said then started to think about that dream.

"Get your clothes on real quick."his mom said before leaving.

'I have to do what Nahnah-chan just told,be a good boy!'he thought.

He used to be lazy in bed but this time he didn't spend much time on changing clothes and eating breakfast.His mom was shocked about his sudden changed.

"What?Shin-chan wasn't acting normal?Didn't he always?"his dad said while brushing his teeth.

"No,not that way,he's acting too normal,that's the thing."

His dad still confused until he saw him sat in the table eating breakfast normally.

"You're right,he's acting really normal."

"Right?He used to show his butt and dancing around crazily."

"I'm full"he said then cleaned the table himself.

"D-Did I just saw what I just saw?"his dad's jaw dramatically dropped.

"Oh,it's horrible,I can't look!!"even his little sister was crying on the floor right now.

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