The Battle Of The Lords : Indra

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'" I didn't want to be a God. I didn't want to have magical powers. I didn't want to be the saviour of the world."

I'm Mridul Chaturvedi, I go to the ' Bright Achievers School ' and study in 9th standard. Everything was going normal, I was getting A1 grades as usual and my assignments were completed on time and my extracurricular activities were going on nicely. And last week I was also selected in the school badminton team. I was really very happy !  Tomorrow was my inter house match against Sachin who the best player in our batch, so I was a bit worried as no one till now has been able to defeat him.

That day ( the day before the match) I practiced more than I used to in the school. Packed my badminton kit and slept for 8 hours as suggested. Suddenly when I was defeating Sachin in my dream my alarm rang, I woke up with a start and was ready for school in just 30min which was really unusual and shocked my mother. My bus arrived and I was off to school. As I reached there I ran to the badminton court where all the participants had to assemble. As all the players reached we had a quick attendance. Soon after the attendance the pupil started entering the court and as they were seated the matches began.

Everyone was cheering for their friends and the atmosphere of the court was very enthusiastic my match was the next so I did a kind of warm up. As my and Sachin's names were announced we ran to the court and took our positions. I was ready with my ' Voltric 5' and he was too with his 'ArcSaber II'. At that time more than half of the crowd were cheering for Sachin as he was the wining this competition for 3 yrs now. Well did i say half ....oops ... that must just more than three-fourth of the crowd at his side. Very much fair,.. wasn't it? But as the game proceeded my tension went out as after 30min of our match the score was 10 - 7, 10 for me and 7 for him. My tension evaporated with sweat. I was just half a point away from victory.....YIPEE!! (As you may have guessed already, it was a bit early for that YIPEE).

 Just then a thing broke into the court and hit the net, I somehow jumped out of its range but Sachin was unable to do so and was injured. At with that a cloud of dust covered the court and suddenly a creature burst out of the dust.It had huge wings, and it stood around 7 feet tall. It was all ripped and...." RARRRRR". It roared all across the court, terrifying the students, as they all ran for their lives.  At that time I was furious, because this stupid bat faced brat was stopping me from winning. It was petrifying my friends and now was looking at me, like I was a huge cheeseburger with that extra bundle of cheese carrying the mark "50% off". I had so intense thoughts, that without thinking I charged towards that Monster. Now I know what you must be thinking, "Well farewell Mr. Chaturvedi, because you are soon to end up as that cheeseburger", and I agree how can a Ninth grade teenager fight a whole rippled, winged, 7 feet, bat faced monster.

But something, happened.....I don't know how, it just happened. While I was running my shirt started to tear (No. No. No hooting boys) and my muscle grew out and I was feeling like I had enormous power. In that run I was changed throughout and now I was having 6 packs, puffed muscles and a feel of enormous power.

 I charged like some fearsome bull ready to kill its enemy. I jumped half the distance before him. Ended up him on his ribs. Then as the monster lowered his head in pain I made a fist out of both of my hands, and punched that monster at the back of his head with my strength. "DIEEEE!!!" I bellowed as the monster laid down motionless on the ground due to the the impact.

Just then that creature disappeared and everything was well again and Sachin's injuries were also healed. Students also returned, and filled up the seats, like nothing ever happened(though my body remained the same rippled... and I witnessed some wide-shocked eyes, but rest everything was normal agian). Our coach stood up and said " Huh?...By the way why did we stop...No wait is this Mridul or has Sylvester Stallone came from his shooting....No way....this gas has now got up to head... has somebody got ENO here? Anyways Shall we start the games again?" and the cheering again filled the court. For the last point the serve was with Sachin, as he lofted it towards me I played a smash with all my might and it went really fast towards him. As he tried to send it back to me the guts from his racket broke and the cock hit the ground and making a hole in it.

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