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❛ poison disguised as family. ❜

"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞

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"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞... 𝐈𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤."

Mason had been stuck with the recently established couple since school finished, and as much as he adored his best friend and their new girlfriend, he was sick of the lovestruck looks they were giving each other across the Dunbars boys bedroom.

They had spent the evening playing video games once the blonde had convinced her boyfriend to let her stay the night again as Scott and Kira were occupying the loft. She did not want to be forced to the Stilinski household like her parents had planned as the older man was her godfather because Stiles would undoubtedly pester her over her new relationship.

Morgan and Derek had offered to book another room at the crappy motel they were staying at for the night to repay the alpha for all his kindness over the years, but once Nova saw the smirks between her relatives, the thought of possibly hearing them get intimate made her feel physically unwell. Luckily, she had a significant other she could annoy; even if she did tell her family she was at Lydia's for the night, they'd never find out - or so she thought.

Nova giggled loudly when she heard another groan come from Mason's mouth at failing again. She had been watching the two best friends for a while now, losing interest quickly once Liam's attention was off her and onto the tv screen ahead of him. Deciding to grab herself a snack to occupy her mind, she quickly pushed herself off the teen's bed and swiftly made her way downstairs.

She hadn't been in the Dunbar household during the day. It was a hell of a lot nicer than the run-down apartment she currently lived in, and the large kitchen and walk-in pantry only made her more jealous. The blonde took her time choosing out the food she craved, but just as she was about to grab a bag of chips, a hand soon wrapped itself around her arm.

Nova went to scream, but the intruder quickly covered her mouth. The girl felt her blood run cold at the thought of being attacked, but once she smelt the familiar scent of musk and firewood, she soon elbowed the person in the stomach before pushing away from them.

"Peter! What the hell is wrong with you! God and you wonder why people don't like you!" The teen harshly whispered once she had whipped around and seen her uncle standing there. The man in front of her had his signature smirk gracing his face, but Nova couldn't help but notice the underlying evilness in the depth of his eyes.

"We're leaving. Go get your stuff, sunshine." The Hale man demanded, making sure his voice was harsh yet quiet enough that the werewolf upstairs wouldn't hear him.

"Don't tell me what to do, sunshine." Nova sarcastically spat out in reply before pushing the man towards the back door she presumed he came through. However, she was soon brought to a halt by the male, who harshly dug his nails into her arm to force her to look up at him.

"You've got twenty seconds to get yourself up there, get your stuff, and meet me in the car, or else your little boyfriend and his human friend will see what a real werewolf is like."

Nova didn't have to be told twice. The blonde practically sprinted up the stairs of the large home once the man had finished his threat and flashed his blue eyes. She didn't know what had gotten into him, but she knew Peter wasn't joking when he said he'd hurt her friends; he's done it plenty of times before.

The two boys were still engrossed in their video game but soon paused it once they noticed the now pale-faced teen pace around the room, grabbing her belongings.

"What's wrong? I thought you were sleeping over?" Liam questioned after a few seconds of watching his girlfriend stuff a hoodie into her bag. Nova sighed in dread at the thought of lying to the boy, but with the clock ticking and an angry uncle only a few metres below her, she quickly pulled herself together.

"My parents ended up calling Lydia, and they found out I'm not staying at hers, so Noah's outside to pick me up." The blonde quickly spoke out, trying not to give the boy time to pick up on her racing heart. And, thankfully for her, it seemed to work, as Liam pouted cutely before pulling the girl in for a kiss. He couldn't help notice the hesitance come from the other teen, but she was quickly out the door with a wave to Mason before he could ask about it.

Nova was soon in Peter's car and down the long and now dark roads. She was too frightened to ask where they were going, and it seemed like the uncle wasn't going to tell her as once they had pulled up to a familiar car park, she soon caught on herself.

The dark underground sewers creaked and dripped loudly in the girl's ears. She hated that the man held such power over her, but he was family, and love makes you do terrible things. But once she had turned the corner and saw Chris Argent with a pole through his chest, she felt the bond between the relatives snap as she couldn't see an innocent man die. It was the berserker that stopped her in her tracks. Her eyes were quick to meet Peter's, but the duct tape and rope he now held in his hands made her scream out in fear.

"Go to hell, asshole!" The blonde yelled as she tried to pass the man that she thought was clearly losing his mind, but with a click of his fingers, she was soon being held tightly by the hideous creature that loomed in the dark. Peter didn't say a word as he gently tied up his niece next to the man who was slowly dying from blood loss.

"This is why I am everyone's favourite Hale!" Nova couldn't help but sob out as she was beyond confused as to why her uncle was doing this to her, but she was soon shut up once a piece of tape was pressed over her trembling lips.

The Argent stirred at the commotion but didn't wake, something which Peter was glad of as he didn't want the man to hear his plan he was about to tell the girl who had pulled herself into a tight ball once she listened to the berserker breath heavily from behind her, reminding her of it's presence.

"You could've avoided all of this, Nova. If only you had stayed away from that baby-faced beta, then I wouldn't have to keep you locked down here, like an animal." The Hale man began as he tried his best to not look at the small girl who had tears pouring from her eyes.

"I knew from the moment I found out you started dating him that I didn't have control over you, that you had lied to me when you said he was nothing to you. God, I leave you alone for a couple of days, and you've already ruined my plan. You really are your father's daughter." He continued brutally, pacing the small tunnel as he did.

"It was stupid of me, to think I could control a Hale. But to manipulate one, that's where I shine, my darling. I couldn't risk you getting wind of what my actual plan was. No, Kate said it was too risky after committing yourself to a member of the enemy's pack. This brings you to here. You're not going to get your siren powers back in a 'humane' way, I'm the villain of this story, just trying to get rid of the hero. But I can't do it alone." Peter soon concluded as the blonde girl listened intently to the sudden confession she was getting.

"So that's why, my sweet girl, I'm going to get you to kill him. You're going to kill Scott McCall."

o. 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐮𝐩 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫.

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