your story begins!

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it was an hot day in ancient greece ,you set out in your field to harvest those fine grapes that you put quite the effort for them to succeed ,your plans were to gather the grapes,sell them off in the market,buy food and essentials,then go home to chop some wood,and rest.

after about of 2 hours of carefully plucking the grapes off your field so you dont destroy them,an old man, in grey and worn clothes,walking with a stick and without his left eye. came across  your field,and as soon as you laid your eyes on him,he spoke to you .

old man:it is a finne day today farmer,but your grapes look even finner! ,could you give this old fool some of those grapes? i havent ate anything in a day,and i come from distant lands,walking with little to no rest.

as he said those words,you wondered,scratching your chin,whether or not you should give the old man a bit of your grapes,i mean you need them for good market sale right? surely you can make a quite hefty profit off those grapes!

but at the same time ,that is an old fragile man surely giving him a little of your grapes wouldnt hurt, remember what your parents taught you of hospitality,kindness,and being good to elders! do to others,what you want to be done to you.

so you decide it is for the best to give the old man some of your grapes,you cut out a couple of grapes,and gave it to the old man,the old man ate it incredibly fast and it caught you offguard and surprised you! 

then the old man,in less than a second,transformed into an tall, young looking man,beaming with light ,floating in air ,he had blonde hair,and sky blue eyes,with a good jaw,and nice face,hes quite beautiful if your eyes arent deceiving you!

that was even more surprising than when he ate those grapes incredibly fast!,then he looked down upon you,a smile stretched on his face,and he blushed while saying these words.

(???):my,my,my mortal! those were incredibly great grapes you got there!, if i didnt already know you were  a mortal, i would have asked you if you were one of olympian gods!,i can see it in your soul,this land isnt quite good for farming you know,that was pure skill on your part!,and you are quite attractive too! .

as he giggled the moment he said you were attractive,he put a hand over his mouth to conceal his smile,and his even larger blush! 

(you):w-who are you? are you one of the gods? 

you said carefully,as you knew what will happen once you anger the gods,their wrath endless and their punishments unbearable! , then he once again started to talk.

(???):why yes my mortal,i am one of the gods,i am Dionysus,god of the vine, grape-harvest, wine-making, wine, fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, theatre, and also Member of the twelve olympians!,say my mortal,i have an offer i propose,do you wanna hear it?

you were stunned that it is god dionysus of the twelve olympians in front of you!,and not only that,he complimented your wine! truly this is the best day in your entire life!,he even called you quite attractive? now,you were blushing as much as he is!, but he also has an offer? you better hear his offer, so you dont miss a potential adventure in your life,and possibly meeting with the other gods too!

(you):you are god dionysus?! i am pleased to meet you, my name is (Y/N) and my surname is (L/N) ,i am willing  to hear your offer my god.

you said,as those words escaped your mouth,you waited in anticipation to hear his offer! who knows what it could be,could be absolutely anything! then he said

(Dionysus):i was wondering my mortal,if you are interested in caring  my grape fields for vine!,you will be left alone entire day to care for them like you cared for yours,and by night,you can accompany me,and, if possible, other gods , on the dining table,so you can eat and drink with me,and with other gods if they want to taste your work and see for themselves how good you are! , what do you say my mortal,do you accept my offer or do you refuse? the choice is yours .

this is the biggest and possibly the most important event in your life!,you have chance to meet with all of the gods,and dine with them too!,who knows what else might happen on your journey as the farmer for dionysus! what do you say? do you refuse,or do you accept?, this is your choice! 

to be continued

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