Chapter 1

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"Mommy? Why can't I see my red string?" 

"Um.....well, I'll....I'll tell you when your older xielian."

This excuse had been told to Xielian ever since he could understand what soulmates and red strings were. Doubts would constantly plague Xielian, he wondered if his soulmate didn't want him. Everyday he would see soulmates meeting and falling and love, and he dreamed of it. Even though he didn't know if there was others like him he thought he was the only one, for his friends Muqing and Fuyao could both see their strings. 

"Hey Mommy? Why can Muqing and Fuyao see their strings and I can't? They're soulmates too! Sometimes I think life isn't fair." Xielian grumbled.

"Now, now Xielian, we shouldn't complain, you have to try your best to be a light to people in this dark world. Now, don't worry, as I said, I'll tell you when your older." 

Xielian looked up at his mother, Ling Wen, her soft smile melted his heart. Right then and there Xielian vowed that he would do nothing but bring her happiness for the rest of his life. So he faithfully did what his mother told him to. 

As Xielian slowly grew so did his maturity and kindness, he started to understand the world, and even when he understood all of the disasters and cruelty, he still held onto his promise, never daring to break it. 

One day, when he was walking around the park enjoying the morning air that spring brought upon the wold, he saw a young boy. Scars and wounds were scattered around his arms and face. Xielian seeing this had an intense longing to help, as he picked up a first aid kit he bounded in the direction of the boy. The boy, seeing this, was frightened out of his skin, he tried to crawl away but failed miserably due to the wounds he still bore. Xielian who soon arrived at the scene saw the frightened expression that the boy wore on his face, his heart hurt, he wanted to make everyone happy, and seeing this boy's countless wounds proved that he didn't do his job. 

"Hey... It's ok, my name is Xielian, I'm here to help you, are you ok?"

The boy shook his head and looked down. When the boy's gaze fell upon his hand his face was filled with surprise. Tears welled up in his eyes as he let out a little sniffle. Xielian, who just witnessed this scene was incredibly confused but still tried to help regardless. 

"Here let me help you bandage those wounds, I'm sure they hurt terribly."

Xielian tried his best to mimic the motions of applying medicine and wrapping the bandages on the young boys wounds as his mother did when he got hurt. 

"There!" Xielian said triumphantly as he finished all the wrappings. "I hope that makes you feel better, it should help to keep the wounds clean." 

The boy looked up at him with so much admiration it melted Xielian's poor little heart. A small smile made it's way onto the boy's face as he said,

"Thank you," ever so softly. 

"No problem, I mean it's what everyone should do after all." Xielian said as he shot him the sweetest smile. 

Xielian stopped suddenly and peered at the eye patch over one of the boy's eye.

"What's that?"

The boy looked incredibly startled when Xielian asked him that question, he looked down almost ashamed. 

"It's ugly..... my dad told me to cover it up...since....since it makes me a freak."

Xielian's eyes widened in surprise. 

"I am absolutely positive that it isn't ugly, and I don't believe anything can make you a freak." Xielian declared. 

"You won't laugh?" The boy asked shyly. 

"I won't, I swear."

The boy sighed, mentally preparing to lose another chance at making a friend. He slowly lifted the eye patch, uncovering the blood red eye that it hid. 

Xielian gasped.

"Go ahead.......hit me, I know I'm a freak." The boy said.

"No,'s beautiful" Xielian's eyes shown with fascination. 

"Wait what?" 

"I said It's beautiful, I've never seen anything like it"

The boy had a look of disbelief on his face, after all this time, there was someone who didn't think that he wasn't supposed to live. A few small tears leaked out of his eyes, warmth filled his heart. The boy hesitated for a bit until he hugged Xielian.

"Thank you.....thank you," he whispered, eyes closing. 

And there they sat for a solid minute, with the boy clinging on to Xielian. Xielian, being the kind soul that he is didn't want to be rude, but the situation was... well sorta awkward.

"Hey, umm....." Xielian said trying to find a question that would ease the peculiarity, "what's your name?" 

"Hong-er," the boy replied, loosening his grip on Xielian. 

"Well Hong-er," Xielian said as he looked into the heterochromatic eyes, "Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're a freak. Because in my eyes you are beautiful, don't you ever forget that."  

The boy smiled and nodded.

"I won't."

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